Chapter 3

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I would just love to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this fan fiction and hope that you like the next few chapters :D I'm hoping to be able to update this story a lot more often but i can't make any promises being as though i still have other fan fictions that i'm still working on and hoping to finish soon :D That's all for now folks. -Kirk Out-


Some time later, Klaus and Caroline were done eating their pizza. As the living room of the Gilbert's house began to drown in uncomfortable silence, they resumed their places on the couch. Neither knew what to do or say, completely overwhelmed  by the predicament they were in. Klaus' thoughts drifted to the night's events. He was shocked by how easily he had opened up to Caroline, willingly. This girl did unimaginable things to him, things that truly terrified him.

Caroline broke the silence with a loud huff. "Ugh... I can't believe we're stuck here." Caroline whined.

"Thanks to your little witch friend may i add." Klaus said reminding her. "But it's not that bad, not when you're here with me." Klaus added sincerely, immediately shocked by the words that had slipped from his lips.

Caroline blushed slightly, turning her head away from Klaus only to roll her eyes at his words. She couldn't help but notice the sincerity in his voice, making her blush more.

"Caroline," Klaus nagged whilst turning to face her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping she would look at him. She flinched at the unexpected contact but aquiesced. Klaus cleared his throat, "Why don't you accept my honesty?" Klaus asked.

"I do like when you're honest Klaus, trust me, it's hard to find someone who is around here. It's just...I'm just spoken for." Caroline stated bleakly.

"How could I ever forget the Lockwood traitor. The boy carries many indiscretions if I remember, is he really so worthy of your heart?" Klaus scolded angrily.

A thought struck Caroline and before she knew it the question was past her lips. "How could you do that?" she asked and looked at Klaus straight in the eyes, a dark anger replacing her usual light.

"Pardon?" Klaus asked, not entirely sure where she was headed with her question.

"How could you kill those twelve hybrids? They were people Klaus. Without the influence of your sire bond and your petty orders, they were good people. You can't just go around killing them at your will. And let's not forget Mrs. Lockwood, how could you kill her? She did nothing to you." Caroline snapped, her body shaking with rage.

Klaus noticed this change and lowered his voice. "I had my reasons to kill those ungrateful hybrids, love. Mrs Lockwood's life on the other hand, I regret." Klaus said honestly, looking down at his hands.

"You do?" Caroline asked with her eyebrows raised. This man's anger goes up and down like a yo-yo, Caroline thought.

"Yes, she was a pleasant woman but Tyler took away a part of my family, so it was naturally necessary I took—" Klaus began to say.

"They were hardly your family Klaus. They despised you, ran from you. Feared the threats of being daggered more than once. That to me, doesn't sound too much like family." Caroline said harshly.

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