Chapter 4

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"Our relationship? We don't have one… Not really." Caroline said as she looked down at her hands unsure of where there conversation was going.

"We can," Klaus said hopefully.

"No, I don't think we can." Caroline said sadly.

"Why not?" Klaus asked upset.

"Because you kill innocent people. You killed Tyler's mom and let's not forget about Elena's Aunt Jenna." Caroline said sadly.

Klaus bit down on his lip hard enough that it drew blood. "I had to, Caroline." Klaus said.

"No you didn't. Jenna, she didn't know what the hell was happening to her that night you killed her. She was innocent, Klaus. She was young and she had a whole life ahead of her. Did you know that Jenna and Alaric were together?" Caroline asked.

"Yes I know they were together. I found out when I was in Alaric's body. I had to kill her Caroline, I had no other choice." Klaus said.

"Are you kidding me, right now? She would still be alive today if I didn't escape that cave your warlock was keeping me in." Caroline said guiltily.

"Wait, what?" Klaus asked.

"Your warlock grabbed me and Tyler and when I woke up I was in a cave with chains on my hands." Caroline said remembering that horrible day.

"I didn't know it was you he took." Klaus said honestly.

"How would you know? You were probably preoccupied with your master hybrid plan." Caroline stated and rolled her eyes.

"I was looking for a doppelganger for over 500 years; I couldn't pass it up Caroline." Klaus said and looked her in the eyes.

"Why not?" Caroline asked as she crossed her arms.

Klaus sighed and begun speaking " My mother turned away from me when she found out that I wasn't Mikael's even though it wasn't even my fault. My parents never loved me. They hated me and they wanted nothing to do with me. I was just a bastard to them. Even when my father thought I was his, he still acted like the biggest arse. I grew up in fear. On top of that my mother put a spell on me that didn't allow me to awaken my wolf side so that is why I couldn't pass it up when I found Elena."

Caroline's eyes softened as she looked at Klaus. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Klaus, I really am. No one deserves that, not even the big bad hybrid." Caroline said.

"Thank you," Klaus said sincerely. "By the way I am glad you escaped before I could sacrifice you." Klaus added.

"Why?" Caroline asked.

"I fancy you Caroline and this feeling I have is something new to me." Klaus said honestly.

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