Chapter 25 ~ Heading To Cleveland

Start from the beginning

I frowned as I looked out of the large bus windows. Jonah and Warren appeared to be arguing with other staff members and Paul walked towards the bus then started shouting at Warren. He left shortly after and Paul began talking more calmly to Jonah.

"Have you seen Brie?" Jon asked, curiously. I shook my head.

I tried to think of a solution. "I'll ring her." I told them. I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked through my contacts to find her name. Once I found her name, it rang once and she picked up more or less straight away.

"Hello?" She answered, out of breath.

I furrowed my eyebrows a little as to why she was out of breath however I decided to ask her a more important question."Brie! Where are you?" I exclaimed.

"I'm almost there, I overslept! Wait, the bus hasn't left, has it?"

"No, Brie. The bus hasn't left. We're in the arena car park. Everyone's waiting for you and Zack. Have you seen him?"

"Erm, no. I thought he was driving to Cleveland?"

My eyebrows relaxed a little."Oh, he must have forgotten to tell Warren or Paul. I'll go tell them in a second. Just hurry up Brie!" I exclaimed, looking around at the other impatient superstars and women on the bus.

"I will!" She squealed before putting the phone down. I locked the phone and put it back in my pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair so that it was no longer in my face and sighed.

"What did she say?" Jon asked, grabbing my attention. I looked up at him and saw Colby looking too.

"She's not far away, she overslept." I shrugged. Stuff like this happens so we've just got to deal with it. I just don't want Brie getting a lot of slack off of the others.

Jon chuckled and shook his head. "What about Zack?"

"Zack forgot to tell everybody he was driving to Cleveland." I rolled my eyes and stood up from my seat. "I need to go tell Paul." I adjusted my grey sweatpants and quickly tied my hair up into a high messy ponytail so that it was out of my face.

Jon stood up after me. "I'll come with you." He said, not giving me an option.

I nodded and walked off the bus, Jon following behind me. I looked towards the arena where Paul was stood, he was just about to enter the arena. I nudged Jon. "He's over there." I pointed over to him. We walked over to the entrance of the arena. Jon opened the door and allowed me to enter first. I thanked him and looked around the corridor. "Paul?" I said.

"He might be in his office." Jon stated. We headed down the hallway and towards the office. When we was outside the room, we could hear people shouting and arguing. I raised my eyebrows and Jon looked towards me with a similar expression.

I knocked gently on the door and the arguing stopped completely and everything fell silent. Paul came to the door and swung it open. "Can I help you?" He said, calmly.

I frowned. "Um.. Brie is like a few minutes away and Zack is driving to Cleveland."

Paul sighed. "Right." He looked at the other person in the room and shook his head as if I'd just brought up something they'd been talking about. I couldn't see the other person because the person was sitting next to the door. "Thank you for telling me." He said before shutting the door.

I looked at Jon. "The hell was that about?" I mimed to him.

He shook his head vigorously and shrugged. "No idea." He whispered and we exited the arena.

Just as we left the building, a car came into the parking lot. I squinted my eyes and realised shortly that it was Brie. She got out of the car and Jon and myself walked over to her. "Hey.." I trailed off when I saw her. My eyes widened at her appearance. Not to be rude or anything, but she looked half dead. That's putting it nicely. Her hair was all over the place and her mascara had rubbed around her eyes. Wild night with Bryan, eh? ;)

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