Inner Demons

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They had been at Hogwarts for a week now. They were having as much fun as they could with Harry, who could barely walk now, which was way much more than they would have while sitting at the Manor.

Draco, by the way was getting much more fidgety and fussy about Harry. He would barely allow anyone near him, except Sirius and Remus, who had one day snapped at him for his behavior. And the twins were out of question for him. In the meantime, Harry had gotten into a breathing problem, to which his healer had recommended complete bed rest, and an oxygen mask, instead of the cannula.

"Draco, just go and have fun. Everyone is there out on the grounds playing Quidditch—well, all except Hermione. Just go, and play with them!" Harry urged Draco in a quite weak voice.

"Harry, just let it be, I'm sitting with you here. I want to be with you." Draco said shaking his head.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Of course, you want to be with me, Draco. But why on earth would it mean to sit beside me all day, and forget fun? I don't want you to forget fun because of me. I'll feel bad!" Harry scolded Draco. "And besides, you can just inform Remus or Sirius to sit beside me, or even Hermione is free, tell anyone of them to sit with me if you're so worried about me. But, just don't sit with me all the day, and let your life get ruined." Harry added.

For a minute, Draco remained quiet, looking intently at Harry. The healer was right. Right now, he was really dying, a bit by bit, every minute and every second. Draco grabbed held one of Harry's hands into his, fearing the time when he would have to let go of it.

At the thought, Draco bent down, and put his head on Harry's non-existent stomach lightly.

"Draco?" Harry called concerned, putting a hand on Draco's head.

"Harry, I'm really freaking out now." Draco said in a wavering voice.

"What—oh." Harry said and pursed his lips in a thin line. "I had warned you before you entered this. I had told you that you may not be able let go of me when the time comes." Harry said in a defeated voice, carding his fingers in Draco's soft blonde hairs.

"I know, Harry. But I couldn't live without you after knowing that you love me too. It'd be a suicide for me. And I'm happy that I got to spend so much time with you, and make so many memories with you. But the problem is, now that I have grown used to this, I'm afraid of letting you go. It's difficult for me." Draco said, now choking on his tears.

"Shush, don't worry. It's going to heal with time, I promise. But I need you to promise me something." Harry said.


"Promise me, that you'll not push everyone away from you and stop being happy after I'm gone. It would upset me even more." Harry said, caressing a sniffling Draco.

Draco lifted his head from Harry's stomach, a solemn look on his face. "Harry how can you expect me to be happy after you—." He shook his head with a frown. "Sorry, I can't promise you that." Draco said.

Sighing, Harry looked up to Draco in his eyes. "Okay, fine. Then just promise me, that you'll do whatever you want to do, and you'll not hinder it by thinking that I may not be happy about this and all that crap." Harry said offering his palm to Draco.

For a moment, Draco eyed the hand carefully, thinking about what Harry had said over and over. "Okay, fine." Draco said taking the hand into both of his, and kissed the back of it.

"I'll do whatever I want to do, and I'll never stop myself by thinking how you'd feel about what I'm doing. I'll just be happy." Draco promised him, looking into his emerald eyes, that was boring into his grey-blues ones.

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