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"I thought I liked to lay down and sit down
But after seeing you, I felt so foolish
Where are you my happiness
My happiness is all here
I'm so happy I found you"


It's been a month since the Valentines dance, and Louis is fucked. Literally. He's actually going to end up getting fucked.

They're at this barbeque Zayn's having, and Louis is in shorts that care clinging to him because he jumped into Zayn's pool. He's got his shirt off, and he's lost most of the little pudge he had, and his tummy is nice and tan. He looks so good that it's annoying.

Especially to Harry.

Harry is considering the pros and cons of taking Louis up to Zayn's guest room and taking him. He hasn't in so long, and the thought of doing it makes his tummy do flips, as well as tighten his swim shorts. He still hasn't broken up with Niall, and though it's irrelevant, Liam thinks the boy should just grow a pair, and get it over with, because Louis does stress about what Niall would do if he found out Harry has cheated on him.

Niall is happy, but Harry isn't. He's always told Harry to do what would make him happy and well, right now fucking Louis would make him pretty damn happy. Harry knew it was wrong, but that only made him want it more.

So he walked over to Louis, who was bending over, digging through the cooler for a dr. pepper, he found it, and when he turned around to walk over to the pool, he was met with Harry.

"Erm, hi." he smiled awkwardly.

"Lou, would you mind meeting me in the guest room?" he asked, voice low in Louis' ear.

"What for?" he was genuinly confused and concered, what if something was wrong with Harry?

"Don't worry, yeah?" he wrapped an arm around Louis' waist, pulling the boy closer to him, "I just wanna talk to you about something." with that, the taller boy walked away, the smirk on his face going unoticed by Louis.

Louis was a little flustered due to Harry's tone of voice. He really sure if this was the best idea, but a part of him didn't care. Louis had been going through a lot lately. It was hard for him to see Harry in school with Niall, only to have the boy come to his house (or vise versa) after school.

Louis hated that Harry wouldn't do it, he wouldn't fucking dump the boy. He just wanted Harry, in more ways then one, yes. But that wasn't the point, it never was - Louis wanted to be able to call Harry his, to go on dates with him, to let the world know that he had the fucking honor of calling himself Harry Styles' boyfriend.

But we can't always get whatever we want.

Louis finished off his soda, before going inside. He went by the front door, grabbing a mint from the bowl by the door for guests. He had no clue what was going to happen up there, but he really didn't want to have soda breath. He walked up those stairs step by fucking step. He was nervous, he was scared, and he anxious. He had no clue what was going to happen once he stepped foot in that room.

He had reached the door, a little sooner than he had wanted to, but there was no going back. He knocked on the door, before opening it, he stood in the doorway he watched Harry tap away on his phone. He was sat in the middle of the bed. No shirt on, Harry a mess all over the place, head titled to the side as he was reading something - it didn't matter what to Louis because the boy was too focused on his jawline.

"Oh, hey baby. I didn't hear you come in." Harry says, turning his phone off and setting it on the bed side dresser. This was Harry's room, because Zayn's house had always been his home away from home. Louis walked into the room, lips parted slightly, he sat on the bed, as Harry was patting the bed, waiting for Louis to come.

"What's wrong, H? Why'd you need me up here?" he made himself comfy, sitting up.

"Louis," Harry chuckled, moving to sit in front of the boy, "you really don't know what you to do me, do you?" and Louis looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, no, he didn't, "You really don't realize that you've been teasing, and showing off what's mine all day?" he placed his hand on Louis' thigh, looking the boy in the eyes.

"Yours?" Louis smiled innocently, he knew how Harry loved being possesive.

"Fuck off. You know who you belong to." and Louis would be lying if he said he didn't like where this seemed to be going.

"No," Louis said, pretending to think, he leaned a little close to Harry, "no, I think I need to be reminded." he smirked as Harry licked his lips moving closer.

"Is that so?" he mumbled, lips just barely brushing against Harry's.

But all Louis could in response was nod. Within seconds he was laying flat on the bed with Harry hovering above him, fingers tangled in Harry's hair, one hand on the nape of his neck, smirking every time he pulled, eliciting a moan from the boy above him. It'd only get Harry more into it, and Louis loved that.

Harry pulled back for a second, letting out a groan as Louis began to move against him. He burried his face in Louis' neck, kissing it. Louis began to whimper, and let out noises that made all the blood rush to Harry's hard on. Louis was waiting and waiting but he never felt Harry make marks.

"No marks? You're going on about how I'm yours, yet you're not going to do mark me up? So everyone knows who I belong to?" Louis' voice was getting shakier which each mock thrust Harry would do.

"C-Can't." Louis rolled his eyes.

"I think you can. I think it'd be hot, everyone wondering where I got it from, but you'd know. You'd be the only one to know that you had me a mess for you. Only you." Louis couldn't stop mumbling words out, and Harry loved it.

And well, if Louis walked out of that room with hickies all over his neck and tummy, and maybe even his thighs, no one really needed to worry about it.

And if Harry was the one to put them there, no one really needed to know.


they were gonna fuck but then i lost my flow and its already shitty sO maybe next time

all the love dj c dizzle

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