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" You keep meeting somebody
And laugh out loud
But nothing changes

When I think of you
Laughing somewhere
I feel like I’m losing
I feel like an idiot"


"We'll be together forever." he had said.

"I love you so much, I never want to lose you." he said.

But, at last those were all lies. Or that was the way it felt. At the end of the day, Harry left Louis for some bottle blond bimbo down the street. Niall, is his name. Louis woud see them on those rare occasions when he actually left his house for reasons other than school and work. But, the chance of seeing Harry with Niall, was proably the soul  purpose why Louis wouldn't leave. He couldn't bare to see Harry happy with someone else. Holdng hands, sharing kisses and memories with a person that wasn't Louis. No. No that hurt Louis.

It wasn't jealousy, Louis knew that. It was more pain, because Harry made all these promises, and then left Louis. Left with no explaination other than, "Love, I think we should take a break.". At the time, Louis thought it was fine, they'd been together for a little over a year, but after Harry had left his room that night, Louis began to over think.

Usual things, 'was this my fault?', 'is he tired of me?', bad thoughts that made Louis hate himself. Louis didn't leave his house for a week, considering the fact that it was summer, and he hadn't gotten a job yet. The only person he had contact with, was Liam, Liam gave him all the information he thought Louis should know.

Everyone knew how Louis felt about Harry, everyone loved Louis and Harry together, and when Louis found out about Niall and Harry being together, it wasn't a pretty sight to see.

Liam had came over, to tell Louis the news. Louis was just laying in his room, crying a bit, still hurt seeing as Harry had only broken up with him a week prior to him and Niall getting together. Once Louis learned about Harry and Niall, he broke down. Liam held him, gave him a shoulder to cry on, told him it was all going to be okay, things the boy needed at a time like this.

After that, Louis vowed to get over Harry, he was no longer available so there was no chance of reconciliation. No chance of them being together again in the future, so still having feelings for Harry was pointless. He no longer had reasoning to love Harry the way he did, in hopes of Harry coming back to him. Harry loved another, he moved on and found someone new. So, Louis figured he should get over it, and find someone new as well, even though he'd much rather be with Harry.

Getting over Harry was going to be the hardest thing Louis would ever have to do.

Little did he know that it'd be hard for Harry too.

prologues are never long, chapters might be long tho

all the love dj c dizzle

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