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" No
Maybe it’s become a habit instead
I think I want to forget
Your name that I’m calling again even now "


Liam walked into Louis' room, small smile filled with hope plastered on his face.

"Hey Lou, uh, Zayn is having a party tonight, I'm going, do you wanna—"

"No." Louis cut him off. Zayn had that party every year, and the last two years Louis went with Harry.

"Why not Louis?" Liam pouted, "We go every year."

"I won't be going this year though," Louis sighed, laying flat on his bed, "oh this year — it's going to be different, Liam. This year Harry is going with Niall and I can't bare to see that, Li."

"What do you mean?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"I can't bare to go see Harry all dressed up in a loose button down with the top three buttons undone. And tight, tight jeans that let things show and—no. It just can't happen. I can't trust myself around Harry in that. "

"Louis, you need to go. You haven't been out in like, three months. You're going with me, you're going to have fun, and I'm going to dress you so you look sexy as fuck and show Harry what he's missing. Do you understand me, Tomlinson?"

Louis rolled his eyes and shoved Liam out of his room, replying a sarcastic "Yes mother — oh, and Liam?"


"Never, ever, call me sexy again."

Liam let out a chuckle and walked to his room, leaving Louis alone to figure things out.

Louis sat on his bed and sighed, he secrectly wanted to go out to the party, but he also didn't want to go.

He wanted to go cause it was annual, it was a tradition. He didn't want to go, because God knows Harry was going to get drunk and well in all honesty, the boy got touchy when he was drunk.

Louis knew Niall wasn't going to be there. He just said that to get Liam to go away. He was actually suprised that Liam believed him.

Niall was a good boy, he wasn't going out tonight. But if Liam knew that, he'd drag Louis to the party by his ankles if he had to.

Liam was going to make him go regardless. So he may as well get ready now.

Louis stood up and grabbed some clean boxers before walking down the hall to the shower.

Walking inside, Louis noticed a body-length mirror on the door. When the fuck was that put there?

Louis stared at himself as he undressed. His eyebrows were furrowed as he eyed the pudgy blob of a tummy that he had. He was so fit at one point.

That one happy point in his life, was when he and Harry were happy together and nothing bad was happening. And then, that beautiful moment ended.

And now, Louis' world is just crumbling down piece by piece and he isn't doing anything about it.

Nonetheless, Louis showers and walks into his room, nothing but a towel around his waist. He's walking around him room, looking for the perfect thing to wear, when his door opens.

"Hey there, Lou—"

"Harry what the fuck!" Louis let out a manly squeal and grabbed his blanket, covering himself with it even though he did have a towel on.

"Loui-ee," Harry chuckles, watching Louis struggle to wrap the towel around his waist securely with shaking hands, "Lou, I've seen you naked. There is no need to cover up."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 | 𝙎𝙏𝙔𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now