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" I feel my lips dry
The lips that used to call you so much
I realized then, like a habitual saying"


Louis woke up that morning, and damn near had a panic attack once seeing the blob of curls, laying on his tummy, sleeping right on top of him, body between his legs. Then, he remembered last night, and got a little sad, but didn't cry.

He lied there, and before he new it, he was running his fingers through Harry's short hair, memories of when it was long flooding through his mind.

He loved it long. He used to play with it and watch the little curls bounce, he'd braid it sometimes, apologizing and kissing his head if he pulled a little too hard. But then, Harry went and cut it cause Niall thought it'd look nice short (or so the rumor told). He couldn't help but admit that he did look nice with it short, but will admit that he missed all the curls, seeing as there was only short ones now.

Remembering the fact that he admitted that he was still basically in love with Harry probably was not the best thing. He didn't really want things to change.

Sure, he wanted Harry back. But Harry seemed happy, and Louis cared more about the way Harry felt, regardless of what Louis himself felt.

Harry was always more important than anything to Louis, no matter what.

Louis sighed a bit, and then stopped and rolled over trying to go back to sleep because the sun wasn't even up yet and that meant that Louis needed sleep. Don't question his logic.

As he turned over, knocking Harry off of him, he heard a little grumble and cursed himself because he knew that little grumble.

"Why? Why did you stop, you know I like it when you do that." he didn't turn over, but he knew Harry was still on his tummy, head turned to face him, eyes barely open with a pout on his face, "Lou, come back and give me affection." Louis still didn't move, "Fine, be that way." then he felt Harry's hands flipping him over, placing his hand in his hair, and going back to his position.

"You are such a baby." Louis giggled.

"Your baby." Harry mumbled loud enough for Louis to hear.

"Harry." Louis sighed, and stopped playing with Harry's hair.

Harry sighed in response, laying on his side, looking at Louis.

"I know, I know, 'I have a boyfriend'." he mocked Louis' voice.

"I do not sound like that." Louis joked, lightly slapping Harry's back as the boy had made himself comfortable on Louis' tummy.

"What are we doing Lou?"

"Well, currently we're laying in Zayn's guest bedroom, in the same bed where we did it for the first time and you cried cause you were so happy that I let you fuck me." Louis giggled.

"Shush, I didn't mean that you loser, and for the record we did not fuck. We made love. Anyway," Harry pushed his shoulder lightly, "I meant like, why aren't we together anymore?" he pouted.

"You want the logical answer or the smartass answer?" Louis responded.

"Both." Harry chuckled.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 | 𝙎𝙏𝙔𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙊𝙉Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum