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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lies the kingdom of Warda, a small peaceful nation upon an island among many in the unending skies of Tribul.

In this time, Warda was and still is the wealthiest of kingdoms in all of the Sky-Realm, and had always been willing to assist its fellow neighbors when the need arises. When dragons ruled the air, ships laid siege against the dreaded beasts, and eventually the skies were safe to travel once again. Today, ships from many nations fly high in the skies of Tribul, including Warda's own. War was not uncommon in Sky-Realm, but Warda always kept the peace unless one of their fellow nations were attacked by either enemy nations, or the pirates who terrorize the uncharted skies. Not even the dragons were the worst to fear in these times.

At one point in time, the worst to fear was The Witch King, a powerful warlock who reigned over the old lands of the Orks, and the leader of all the witches in the world. His reign of terror spread across the planet like a shroud, up until he went to war against The Seven who dared defied him.

Back then, The Seven Kingdoms were just separated nations who fought constantly to gain land and resources. In those times, witches who followed their dark lord were hunted to near extinction in every country in Tribul. It mattered not whether how big or small the nation was, or if they were pirate or citizen, the witch hunt lasted until the last witch was slain.

Outraged by the blood spilled from his followers, The Witch King struck a deal with the Orks who populated the land of Golgotha. He went to war against the nations, and in those times of war, another deal was struck. The nations of Crokus, Bruhl, Warda, Amaga, Kuul, Juxta, and Gorthal, all joined together to fight against the forces of darkness. It was the bloodiest and greatest war that has ever bloomed in the skies of Tribul. Years of bloodshed and dark magic controlled the world under a cloud of fear, until one day, the joined armies finally broke through the lines, and entered the land of Golgotha where the final battle raged. Armed with his cursed artifacts, his servant dragon, as well as his own dark powers, The Witch King finally came from his citadel to meet those who dared oppose him.

The land of Golgotha was soon streaming with the black blood of Orks, and the joined forces of Groundlings, Nobles and Centaurs annihilated the last of those who dared to keep fighting. Men, women, and children, all unwilling to surrender in the face of defeat. Without his army, the Witch King made one more final push to destroy his enemies with his seven-headed black dragon, Hokkum, and made his final stand.

But in the end, by the power of the elves and will of the Pale Lady, the Witch King's dragon was slain, and taking the soul of his beast, the Witch King consumed the monster's powers and attempted to destroy the entire island to crush his enemies. But he was soon defeated, slain by the seven kings who joined together, and with one fatal blow, the evil king was slain, never to rise again.

Since then, a new age had come and still goes today, and times have changed since those dark times.

This story that you are about to be told was not written in a simple book. No, it was actually written in a small notebook carried by a pirate. Which in that time, was the time that any who flew under a pirate flag were to receive the same punishment as the witches of old, as agreed by all nations of Tribul and Sky-Realm combined. It was a time when dragons were now rare to find, and the world ruled by many leaders of all sorts. A world filled with miraculous sights, and a world full of danger, and beauty. This is a story of a young boy, who had found out where exactly he truly belongs.

This story, was written by a pirate, who happened to be a Groundling.

Now what is a Groundling you might ask? It is a creature made of the beauty of all other elves and yet are nothing like them. The Pale Lady took extra time and effort to make such creatures for a special purpose- what that is, still, no one knows for certain. But still, what is a Groundling? Look at the person closest to you, and you might have an idea. You might learn more and more, as our story is continued.

And so, this story, oneof many, shall begin.    

The Voyage of Black RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora