Everything is red

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"Wake uppppppp!" Bronwyn smashed open Juniper and I's door, rudely interrupting her sleep and my music that played. Bury me
(you thought your problems were gone), carry me (away. away, away...).

"Wyn, you have to knock! You can't just barge in, what if we were in the middle of changing? wouldn't want the boys to see us!" Juniper lying in her bed, yelled at the young girl.

"Sorry she's usually very angry in the morning. Just knick next time Wyn." I said to the young girl still standing at the door. She nodded and left us to our business.

"Im gonna wear the red dress today, I haven't yet and it's too cute to be left in the closet" I said to myself. And I don't even know why....

"Why? You want that Enoch boy to get the hots for you even more so?" Juni said, she was finally getting dressed herself and had already also picked up a red dress that was pretty short, Miss P probably wouldn't approve of.

"No, and fyi Miss P probably won't approve of how short that dress is" it was much shorter than mine, half way up the thighs rather than at the knees like every other girl.

"Well if she sends me back up to get changed then I will, but this is the only dress I have at the moment." She shrugged and headed out towards the bathroom. I had decided against going to get dressed in the bathroom and just got dressed in our shared room, brushing my teeth and combing my hair once Juni left the bathroom.

We'd walked downstairs and into the dining room where we hear a "finally" from Enoch but the sentence cut short as we sat down. My seat was next to him, Juni was next to Horace.

"Juniper please go upstairs and change, that is not an appropriate dress to wear in front of the children" I snickered, "Aria do not laugh" Miss P stared at me as I whispered a 'sorry'.

"Miss this is the only dress I own" Juni reasoned with the bird.

"Well then, get dressed again and Horace, Jake and Emma will accompany you to get some appropriate dresses in the village today. Aria and your brother may do your chore whilst you're out" She then with a wave of her hand signaled us to start eating, even though Juni had headed back to our room to get dressed again. I hear Hayes groan, her chore was only to clean the windows so I didn't find it much different than home where I'd have done it.

"Mr Violet, do not complain. I have yet to assign you a chore so this will help you get started" she smiled at him as Juni came down the stairs dressed in a pair of jeans and a Fall Out Boy.top..... How old was her loop again?

"She's wearing the same clothes Aria came in with" little innocent Claire observed as Juni sat down with us to eat finally.

"Can we eat now?" I hear a voice from the empty space in the seats, aka Millard.

"Yes children, you may eat" Miss P started to grab her own food as we fought for the lovely looking pancakes, toast and fruit for this mornings breakfast.

Myself, Fiona and Enoch had to clear away the table this morning, which really meant me and Fiona because Enoch took only his plate and then left. As I walked past with the last plates I heard Juni complaining to Miss P why she must get a new set of older clothes and the boys both get to stay in their modern clothes... bloody hell, this is gonna go down in hell.

"Hayes, Trey, please come to my office" I hear Miss P, then some whispering, some groaning, some shuffling and then Juni and Hayes fighting on their way out the door.

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