I snarled and body slammed her chest, where my claws pinned her arms and my back paws pinned her legs. Her talon, unfortunately, caught my down the side before I restrained her and I withheld a yelp of pain. When she was unable to move all but her head, I slowly lowered my jaws to clamp onto her neck and growled quietly.

{Do you yield?}

Everyone stared shocked for a moment.

Blue whimpered but yielded.

{It seems the pup, is now the leader} She shifted uncomfortably below me. {I yield}

Slowly, stood up and backed away, allowing Blue to stand. As customary, Blue would be dropped to the bottom of the pack until she earned a new position. I growled at Delta when she turned to help Blue.

{Let her lick her wounds. She earned them}

Delta ducked back and they melted into the forest, but not before Ivy rubbed up against me. I purred and licked her cheek, happy to have my best friend.

The forest was quiet for a minute before Owen called my walker talkie.

.:Alex!? What's going on?:.

I phased back to human and picked it up, walking back to the entrance. .:Relax, Owen. It was just a misunderstanding:.

.:You should have been back by now and we kept hearing growling:.

I flinched but opened the gate to get out. .:Yeah... that's kinda my fault. I'll explain in a moment:. The door was unlocked and I went straight for the first aid kit. I had a bite on my leg and a large gash on my side, neither had stopped bleeding and both were deep. .:I'm in your office now, and I could use some help:.

I didn't get a reply and went back to picking out what I may and may not need out of the container. The door slammed open and Owen rushed in with this worried look on his face. "Alex! Thank goodness." Then he caught sight of the blood. "What the hell happened?"

I grunted as he grabbed a wipe and wiped my leg. "Blue had a fit about you coming in again."

"And she attacked you?"

"No. She challenged me. Said if she won she was still beta. If I won, I was beta."

Owen pulled a bottle out of the box. "And who won?"

"Me obviousLY!" I yelled at the end as he dumped alcohol into the two wounds. "What the Frick!? What was that?!"

"Language." He tore some gauze and began wrapping my side. "And it was to clean them." 

He cleaned up the space and put the box back in the closet as I stood up and off the table. "So you're beta now?"

"Yep!" I chirped as I stretched side to side, wincing when the fabric caught the edges.

"Mr. Grady?"

We both spun around in surprise as a new female voice joined us. Owen smiled when he spotted the familiar red head. "That's me."

Ms Claire Dearing stood tall and stiff as always in her three inch heels and white shirt and skirt. "I require the documents of the week's advancements."

Owen slipped a little closer and I rolled my eyes. "We've been kinda busy."

"The asset's advancements are our top priority."

Now a foot in front of her, Owen held a hand out for Claire. "How about I tell you about any of the raptor's improvements over dinner?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and I gagged.

"I'm going home. Bye." I grabbed my bag and skateboard and headed out the door. "Tell Ivy I said good night."

Owen nodded. "If she's not already asleep. I'm gonna be there in a bit. Lock the house up behind you."

"Got it!" Then I stepped on it and skated leisurely down the road. God it was so weird watching your dad figure make a move on such a stiff person. I knew he had a crush on her. I knew he needed it. Doesn't mean I didn't find it the least bit disgusting.

-back with Owen and Claire, just after Alex left-

Owen shut the door as he watched his adopted daughter skate off into the night.

Claire looked confused as she asked, "Who was that? I didn't approve her a worker."

Owen grabbed a coke from his fridge. "That's Alex. I took her in a couple months ago. Were really close. And her previous family wasn't to good."

"So what, you... adopted her?"


Claire looked slightly sick. "I can't see you as a father."

Owen froze. "You just don't know me." His eyes lit up and in the words of Mr. Gru, lightbulb. "Would you go out with me tomorrow night? Just out to eat."

Claire looked incredulous. "No."

Owen's hopes plummeted, and it must have shown on his face because she revised her statement. "Fine. Just one date."

Owen smiled wickedly. "That's all I need."

{I accept}
- Alexa Carson

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