Chapter 4:

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I wanted to clarify a couple of things:
1. Jurassic world is going to end a little different. I think you'll like it, but I'm not telling until I get there.
2. I'm keeping all the raptors alive. I'm sorry if you don't like but I hated how all of them but blue died, so I'm fixing it.
3. I'm still doing Fallen Kingdom, but it's not going to be exactly the same. You'll see when I get there.
*I have my plot down completely, I just need to get it written.*

One smile, can start a friendship. One word, can end a fight. One look, can save a relationship. One person can change your life.'
- unknown


Chapter 4:

For two weeks I kept this from Vic.

For two weeks, I did everything with that little raptor.

After the first week, the raptor hatched.

Everyone kept giving me pitying glances when they thought I wasn't looking, but I saw. And I didn't care. I told them not to count that raptor out and I proved them wrong.

Because after two weeks of having a raptor practically as an extra appendage, I brought the youngest back home.

But even after two weeks, I would never forget the experience of having an egg hatch for you and you only.

* Flashback *

Early morning, one week after the arrival of the four new raptors. Vic had already left and I just finished my shower.

I heard a sound from my bed as I hung my towel up... there it was. Faint, but there. A soft scratch.

I sprang across the room and sat on the edge of the bed waiting, watching, as the egg shook.

A little claw poked out and I put my hands near the shell. "Come on, little one. That's it."

The hole slowly grew bigger until the shell shattered and the tiny little raptor sat there.

Her scales were a beautiful mottled mix of dark charcoal grey and bark brown. Her silvery white eyes shone like pinpoints and down both sides were two streaks of ivory white, perfectly blending into the darker shades. Her eyes blinked owlishly as her her tiny body struggled to stand.

The newborn creature scooted her way to me as I sat stock still. She crawled into my lap, cooed softly and fell asleep in my protective embrace.

My expression softened and I ran a hand down her scales, silky and soft to the touch. "Welcome to the world... my little Ivy."

* Flashback *

Owen nearly had a heart attack when I showed up.

For the past two weeks I had only called and I never told him the other egg hatched. Ivy had grown quite close to me and acted like a father ferocious kitten, whereas the other four raptors had not been allowed to live anywhere other than their paddock.

So when I walked into the raptor den, opened my backpack, and showed the now normal size raptor to him and Barry, he had the right to be shocked.

I will however tease him mercilessly for the girly scream he claims did not happen.


I looked at him deadpan and replied dryly. "No, I left that back at the hotel. This is the super realistic replacement. Do you like it?"

Ivy sniffed Owen, screeched at him, then curled up against me and fell asleep.

Barry fainted, and neither Owen nor I bothered to catch him.

"She is a week old, extremely protective of me, rather lazy, and loves watermelon."

He pulled a face. "Raptors are carnivores."

"Ivy's an omnivore, apparently, when it comes to fruit. No veggies."

"You NAMED her?"

I flinched at the loud noise. "Yes, I named her. Why do you keep shouting? I have ears too ya know."

"... Fine." Owen sighed. "Let's go introduce her to her sisters." As we walked to the paddock I could have sworn I heard him mutter, "I did not wake up this morning planning on getting watermelon-eating, toddler-acting carnivore shoved in my face."

I have no shame in admitting I laughed outright, and for the first time since before I was experimented on, I felt happy and carefree.

I felt at home.


'My expression softened and I ran a hand down her scales, silky and soft to the touch. "Welcome to the world... my little Ivy."'
-Alexa Carson

Left but not Alone // Jurassic World // ON HIATUSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum