Chapter 6

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.:Radio or Phone:.
{Raptors or animals}

Its extra long guys. Nice to see ya again. This chapter has some of her abilities in it. Remember to read and review. Thanks.

School started Wednesday and I'm going to be so busy so I'll update when I can. Promise. I'm still working on my other story too.

One of the most courageous dedications  you will ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.
- Brigitte Nicole

Chapter 6:

Turns out Owen didn't care. He listened with eager ears to ever second of my story and held me afterwards when I broke down.

Him and Barry finding out about my abilities was kind of anticlimactic. I just felt really stressed after a long day of work and Owen made the mistake of mentally wondering if I was okay.

A couple weeks after the incident Owen filed papers for adoption of a certain Alexa Carson and I don't think I've ever cried so much in one day.

We tried to keep it on the DL, so it was only Lowery, Barry, Vic, and Owen that knew I was adopted.

I was fifteen now- almost 16- and I Owen and I were at the raptor pen. Barry had taken to blocking the cameras so that I could join the pack in my wolf form.

We had just finished our hunt and were rinsing off in the makeshift river.

{Alpha must visit}

I sighed in exasperation as we had the same conversation for the thousandth time.

{Blue, I've told you a thousand times, Owen would get in trouble}

Echo whined and lowered to the ground and delta hissed. {Delta eat trouble}

Charlie hopped in a circle, acting like Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. {Then Alpha can visit!}

Blue chattered happily and shoved Delta towards the gate. {Go, Delta! Trouble eat!}

My eyes widened and I jumped on her, ivy blocking the way for the rest of the pack. {No!} I growled. I may have been a wolf but I was still Alpha's daughter. {No eat! You will stay and Owen will keep visiting!}

{Listen to Alex} Ivy stood to my right, watching my back as always. {She tell honest}

Blue crouched low and swing her tail, hissing. Ivy and the others looked nervous, backing up. {I beta. I in charge. You not}

My muscles tensed and I froze.

{I challenge you. I win, I stay beta, you win, you beta}

I growled and lowed my head, raised my haunches, and rolled my shoulders. My fur stood on end as I growled deep in my throat. I stood at five feet tall and eight feet long, with my head at 6 feet, a couple inches shy of full grown for me. My fur was a deep grey, almost black.

{I accept}

The others flattened on the ground and looked nervously between us two. The conversation turned argument happened on a daily basis and I always won. However it never ends in a fight.

We circled for a moment before Blue became impatient. She leapt at me with a cry.

I slipped to the side and rolled onto her back and clamped my teeth into the spine. She retaliated and whipped me with her tail, distracting me enough to wiggle from my hold. A sharp sting entered my leg and I kicked her off of the appendage.

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