Chapter 1:

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'"You were a risk, a mystery, and the most certain thing I'd ever known."'
- Beau Taplin


Chapter 1: Connected

The first time I met him, I was 14.

Vic had... insisted... I follow him. He said it was to learn about the park, but the undertone was there. 'Don't get into trouble. Don't tell.'

We were walked into a new building and five eggs could be seen inside the incubator room. Reaching out petting the eggs was a taller man, with blue brown eyes (ie whatever color eyes they are I just like these:) and brown hair. When he saw us, he pulled back and stuck a hand out for Vic.

"You must be Vic Hoskins."

Vic shook the hand and smiled largely, his yellow teeth standing out against his white suit. "That's right. And you must Owen Grady, raptor trainer. I can't wait to see your work with these creatures."

I flinched a little when he called the raptors 'creatures'. What would he do to me if he found out who I was? What I could do?

I shook that thought off as Owen reached his hand out to me. "An you are...?"

His hand was rough and calloused, worn from years of hard work. "My name is Alexa. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Grady."

Vic rested a large hand on my shoulders and shook me none too gently. "Alexa is my foster daughter."

I straightened but kept my face blank as Owen's shocked gaze flicked between us, trying to make the connection. "I help out with the dinosaurs here as a part of an internship for my online school. It helps my classes." I briefly looked over to the eggs. "Carnivores have always been my favorite."

Owen looked confused. "They actually let you work with them?"

"Just because I am young does not mean I don't have experience. I was put through training just like everyone else. I know how dangerous they are and I understand the risks. That doesn't mean I can't work with the trainers."

An emotion flickered through his eyes, to quick for me to notice, before he nodded slowly.

"Then I hope you decide to help out here some." He smiles at me.

Ignoring the conversation, Vic clasped his hands eagerly. "So how soon can we expect results?"

The emotion flickered by again, this time sticking long enough to recognize: worry, nervousness, and questioning. "These are not machines or objects, Vic, they are wild animals."

During their exchange I had stepped forward a few steps and was admiring the eggs.

"Alexa." I froze as Vic called me out. "I'm leaving. Let's go."

"Can I stay here and watch the eggs?" I muttered casting a longing glance at the prehistoric shells.

If possible, his glaze grew darker. "Ok. But remember, listen to the trainers and be back at the hotel in time for bed."

This translated to, 'Remember not to tell, and be back in time for your session.'

"Of course, Vic. Thank you." Once I was sure he was gone, I whirled back around and took the time to actually observe the eggs.

The first was a gorgeous ivory white, with sapphire blue specks. The second was smaller, with a mottled yellow and tan coloration. Next we're two similar brown eggs, one with a green stripe and the other with darker brown. Last was the smallest of all, with a dark grey speckled back with black splotches.

Owen watched me thoughtfully for a minute before talking. "Do you want to touch them?"

I was startled. "I can't. The imprint process has to happen to you, since you're the trainer."

"I already spend day and night with them. It will do them good to get along with one other human." He smiled wryly. "Just in case."

"...Are you sure?"

His face cracked into a grin. "Positive."

Inwardly, I marveled at the eggs as I slowly rested my hand on the smallest. A shock went through the egg, into my hand, and through my body, causing me to pull away with a yelp.

Owen rushed forward. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I assured, shaking my head and reaching back out. "Just a shock."

I touched that shell one more time, then the others, but something changed. I kept coming back to the smallest of the five. The runt. Something connected me to that raptor.

I realized I was going to be spending a lot of time at the raptor den over the next few months.

That grey and black egg was special, and I was going to find out how and why.


'"These are not machines or objects, Vic, they are wild animals."'
- Owen Grady

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