Chapter 3:

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We're waiting for tomorrow,
But tomorrow never comes,
Our last breath is right upon our heels,
Yet we still refuse to run,
- e.h.


Chapter 2:

After that first meeting, I got to know Owen Grady pretty well.

Every morning i would get up, grab a snack, and head over to the raptor den to spend the day helping Owen and his assistant, Barry, as he later introduced.

Before I knew it, two weeks had passed, and I began to look forward to the friendship Owen and Barry offered.

I picked my skateboard off the road and pulled my earbuds out of my ears, ignoring the hellos and hi's as I dashed into the incubator room.

Owen met me at the door. "They're hatching!"

"Really!?" I perked up. The raptors were finally here.

"Yeah! Come on!" He grabbed my hand and together we entered the room.

Murmuring soft words of encouragement, Owen gently rubbed the eggs, and I watched from a few feet away as trainer met animal for the first time.

The first one to hatch was the blue and white egg. Within minutes the shell shattered and a baby raptor sat in its place. The little female was a brownish grey with a blue streak going down her side. She immediately started moving and protesting as Owen lifted her up and set her in the basket. This little raptor was a fighter.

"How about Blue?" I offered. "Cause of the little blue streak on her side."

Owen smiled as he kept petting the baby Dino. "Blue. Hi there little Blue."

Next came the all brown egg. A tap tap came before the shell exploded outwards, sending shards everywhere. Big green eyes looked at me and the newborn raptor cocked its head to the side. Owen picked her up, and she promptly bit onto Owen's fingers.

Barry started to laugh and I had to bite back a snort as Owen softly screeched, giving the offending creature a scathing yet loving look.

Those raptors were only a couple minutes old and they already had him whipped.

"Charlie." Owen declared. "Her name should be Charlie. She'll need the luck that comes with the name." And then he placed her with Blue.

The third egg to hatch was the brown and green one. This one was not quite as explosive. Little pieces quickly crumbled and a little brown head popped out. She nearly identical to Blue, only with a green instead of blue. She chittered as she hopped up and down on the egg shells. Owen picked her and she rubbed against him for a moment and then squawked, demanding to be let down.

"Delta. You already have Beta and Charlie." I laughed as Barry's name was accepted and the newly named Delta joined the family basket.

Next was the mottled yellow and brown egg. She was soft and laid there looking at us as the egg fell apart around her. Her eyes were big in wonder and she was slightly smaller than her siblings. Her scales were, like her egg, a mottled yellow and brown. When she heard Blue trill from the basket she repeated the sound.

Delta screeched a greeting and the yellow and brown baby tilted her head and repeated it again.

"You should name her Echo." I pointed out. "That's all she seems to be doing."

"Welcome to family little Echo." Owen tried to set her with her sisters but Echo instead curled up in his arms. Owen finally detached the little baby raptor and looked at the last egg.

After another hour and some food for the other raptors, the still silent egg was given sad glances. Finally Barry spoke up. "It's not going to hatch. Dr. Wu said they would all hatch together unless they were duds."

Owen nodded and reached to turn the incubator off before I spoke up. "Wait! Can I take it back with me? It's not a dud. I know it isn't."

There was a reason that egg shocked me. I felt attached to it now. I couldn't just leave it.

Owen looked doubtful, but shrugged anyway. "Ok... But don't feel sad when it doesn't last."

"I won't. Promise." I smiled and wrapped the egg in a blanket.

It wasn't until I was halfway back to the hotel, with a raptor egg huddled up against my chest that I realized what I had done.


'Those raptors were only a couple minutes old and they already had him whipped.'
- Alexa Carson

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