Small Bump

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Kol's pov

I hold a limp Davina in my arms "Rebekah!" I yell my sister appears and her eyes widen as she sees Davina "what happened?" she asks "I don't know I  just walked in and I called her name but she didn't answer, she started swaying and then she started falling. I caught her before her body hit the floor" I explain "okay put her on the bed and I'll call for Freya. She can find out what's wrong with her" she says "no don't get Freya. I don't trust her with Davina" I say as I gently place Davina on the bed. "Kol just put aside your dislike for Freya for one moment. Davina collapsed and you don't know what's wrong with her now while you might not trust Freya right now but like it or not she's your only shot at finding out what's wrong with Davina" she replies I roll my eyes "fine but I'm not leaving Davina's side" I reply standing beside the bed where Davina lies. Rebekah speeds out of the room and the twins come running in "no boys now's not a good time" I say they frown "what's wrong with mommy?" Zander asks glancing at his mother "she's a little sick but she's going to be okay" I say just as Freya enters the room and Rebekah quickly removes the twins from the room. "What seems to be the problem?" she asks folding her arms "Davina fainted and I don't know why" I say she nods walking over to me "did anything happen before she fainted?" she asks "no she just started swaying before she started to fall" I reply Freya walks round to the other side of the bed and places her hand on Davina's forehead. "She's a little warm" she says removing her hand "can you find out what's wrong with her?" I ask "I can only if you stop giving us a hard time" she replies making me scoff. "You have some nerve. You and Elijah more or less murdered Davina. You tried to convince me that my sons wouldn't want me when I found out about them and everyone but Rebekah and Hayley treated me like crap when I turned up with Davina and the twins. You and Elijah acted like my sons were villains after Klaus spewed hateful words about them. You wanted to push them out the family, you didn't want to know them all because Klaus saw them as a threat to himself" I snap clenching my hands as I stare at her. "You know what? Just get out I'll call Vincent at least he knows his morals and will help Davina because he cares about her and not just do it for his own gain" I reply pointing to the door. "No I want to help. I'll find out what's wrong with Davina" she says "like you care about what happens to her" I retort she rolls her eyes at me "she's Zander and Jace's mother so she's practically family" she says I chuckle at her words "she was family before she became a mother to my children. She was my family" I reply her face softens and guilt flashes through her eyes. Good so she should feel guilty for what she did and the things she's said.

Freya was hovering her hand over Davina slowly moving it back and forth over her body as she chanted when suddenly Jace runs in "no aunt Freya! Don't hurt it" he yells climbing on to the bed covering Davina's stomach when Freya's hand neared it. "Jace what's wrong?" she asks crouching down "you were going to hurt it" he says she frowns "I wasn't going to hurt anything. I was just trying to see why you're mommy's sick" she says he calms down but he doesn't move from his spot. "She's not sick" Jace says moving to lie beside Davina "how do you know that?" Freya asks he doesn't answer he just plays with his mother's hand. "She's obviously sick if she fainted. I'll be right back" she says heading for the door as Rebekah enters. "Jace come on. You're mommy's not well and your daddy and aunt Freya are trying to find out what's wrong with her" she says Jace doesn't look at his aunt he just moves his head onto Davina's stomach.

Freya comes back in the room with a candle in her hand "this should help us find out what's wrong" she says beginning to walk over to Davina but stops when Jace starts mumbling things. I sit on the edge of the bed watching him as he lays beside Davina with his head on her stomach. "Jace are you saying?" I ask because despite my excellent vamp hearing I can't seem to figure out what he's saying "thump thump, thump" he whispers I frown before my eyes quickly widen as realization hits me. "What did he say?" Freya asks "he said thump thump, thump" Rebekah replied "oh god. Jace what do you hear?" I ask my heart racing he turns his head just a little bit so he can look at me "thump thump in her tummy" he replies rubbing his head against her stomach. "I can hear it" Rebekah says her eyes wide before a smile creeps up on her face, I stay silent as I focus on her stomach and that's when I hear it 'thump thump, thump' a smile appears on my face as I reach my hand out and place it on her stomach. Her stomach is hard and it's a little curved "she's pregnant" Rebekah says "she must be at least three months already because she's already showing a little" Freya says tears fill my eyes as I look at Davina's stomach "how didn't I notice? She has a bump, sure it's not big but it's noticeable" I say a tear escaping my eye. "Daddy why are you crying?" Jace asks who is now sat up beside Davina as he moved when I placed my hand on her stomach "your mommy's pregnant. She has a little baby growing inside her" I reply he grins "I knew it" he says clapping his hands "Jace when did you first hear a heartbeat?" Freya asks Jace holds out his hands and counts his fingers until there's only three standing up "7 days ago" he says I smile at him proud at him for his counting. "Does Zander know?" Rebekah asks "I don't know" he says shrugging his shoulders "why didn't you tell anyone?" Freya asks making Rebekah scoff "sure you just expect a four year old to come out and say hi everybody my mommy's pregnant" she retorts making me chuckle. "Is Davina aware she's pregnant?" Freya questions "obviously not. If she did know she would've told me" I reply "maybe not. What if she knows but doesn't want the baby? What if she hasn't told you because she intends to get rid of it?" she questions making me and Rebekah glare at her. "Davina would never get rid of a child. She loves the boys and she will love this baby too" I reply "you don't know that" she retorts "I do actually. Davina is a bloody fantastic mother, she loves our children, she'll love every child we have. I know Davina better than you do" I reply "Freya just go. You're upsetting Kol" Rebekah says shooing Freya away. I remain seated by Davina as Jace crawls up the bed and lies down. I keep my hand on Davina's stomach not wanting to pull it away as I just want to feel her little baby bump, I never did get the chance the first time she was pregnant. 

Davina groans as she slowly opens her eyes "hey love" I say moving my hand to help her sit up "what happened?" she asks rubbing her neck before smiling as Jace cuddles up to her "you fainted but it's okay. Everything is fine" I respond she frowns "how is everything okay if I fainted?" she asks "Davina do you know how yesterday you threw up, you got sick at the smell of coffee and your mood changed from happy, to sad to happy again within a split second?" I question "yeah I remember" she says "remember how you had that headache last night and you got clammy?" I ask she nods "yes of course it kept me up most of the night" she replies. "Davina you're pregnant" I say her eyes widen "what? I can't be" she says "well you are. Jace heard the heartbeat a few days ago and we've just heard it now" I say pointing to me and Rebekah. "Are you sure it wasn't just my heartbeat?" she asks I shake my head "no love. Look at your stomach" I say she looks down as I place my hand on her stomach moving it over her small bump and her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. That's a baby bump. I'm pregnant how did I not notice?" she ponders "it's been a busy few weeks so maybe that's why" I reply "I'm having another baby" she says "yes you are. A baby I will be able to help you raise this time" I say smiles and places a hand on her stomach. "You're going to be a daddy again" she says "yes I am" I say leaning my head down to place a kiss on her stomach making her giggle. 

Nik suddenly bursts into the room "she's pregnant again!" he yells his jaw clenched as he stares at us "yes she is and I'm bloody thrilled about it" I say pulling Davina into my arms as Rebekah picks up Jace and walks out with him. "No! No you can't have another baby! The two you've got is enough!" he yells I stand up and glare at him "be careful of what you say Nik" I growl clenching my fists. "I won't allow this. Davina you better get your ass to the clinic and get that thing out of you. I will not have another demon of yours running around the house!" he yells "I can't believe you would say such a thing brother. That baby is mine and Davina's we want this baby and we will have this baby whether you like it or not!" I snap he glares at me "fine I'll just hand your little baby over to Morgana. I'm sure she'll be delighted to know the news of your little bundle of joy" he says chuckling my glare hardens and I shove him up against the wall. "If you dare do such a thing. If you dare try to lay a single handle on my child and if you dare try to give him or her to Morgana I will never forgive you. I will disown you" I snarl his eyes widened. "You wouldn't. We're a family always and forever" he says I scoff "you've proven time and time again that always and forever does not extend to me. I have my own family now one I clearly need to protect from you" I say "why have children with Davina? She's my enemy" he says "I'm right here you asshole" Davina says "shut up witch!" he yells "don't talk to her like that! It's not up to you who I have children with. I love Davina more than anything and I'm so happy that she's the mother of my children. As for her being your enemy she's only your enemy because you secretly fear her because she doesn't bow down to you and she fights back. She's brave and fierce and I love her" I say before pushing him out the door. "If you're so unhappy with my family then as soon as this whole Morgana thing blows over. Me and Davina will disappear with the kids. We won't bother you, we'll stay out of your way for good" I say before slamming the door in his face. I turn to Davina "I think we should to go out for a bit with the boys" I say she nods and gets off the bed "I couldn't agree more" she replies with a smile but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. "Hey ignore what Nik said he's just an ass. I love you and I'm glad you're the mother of my children, I wouldn't wish for any other woman to carry and raise my children" I say she smiles and leans up on her tip toes to kiss me. "I love you" she says looking into my eyes "I love you too Davina Claire" I say before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

What did you think? Davina's pregnant. Jace knew. Kol and Davina are happy about the pregnancy. Freya was being difficult, Klaus isn't happy about the pregnancy and was a complete dick to Kol and Davina. Will Klaus really hand their baby over to Morgana when he or she is born? Will Klaus stop being an ass? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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