Start from the beginning

They listened intently to the rest of the introductions from Kayla, "So I'll give you guys some time to decide who you want to adopt, I'll be back in a bit!"

Kayla left the room leaving them to discuss which one they were going to get, Cole was cuddling three puppies at once listening in on Amanda and Dylan's conversation.

"Well, which one would she want?" Dylan asked pulling his hand away from the happy puppies,

Amanda scooped up the first white one that had caught her eye, "This one for sure."

Dylan smiled petting the puppy in her arms, they both of them turned around to Cole's giggles. He was cuddling nearly all the dogs that were in the current pen, Amanda sighed shaking her head.

"So what's been up with you guys?" Dylan hinted smirking,

Amanda tilted her head confused, "What're you talking about?"

Dylan chuckled shaking his head, "You and Cole? I could've swore you guys hated each other last month, and now the both of you are back together?"

Amanda blushed petting the puppy more, "We've talked and resolved the problems, got me thinking and we're trying again."

Dylan nodded smirking some more, "He's in love with you Amanda, he told me before your concert the other day."

Amanda raised an eyebrow at him, "He does?"

Amanda blushed causing Dylan to mimic Amanda from earlier, a loud 'Awe!' was released from his mouth causing Cole to look at them, "Huh?"

The two of you turned around facing Cole who was still littered in puppies, "We decided on which one we're getting."

Cole looked at the puppy in your arms smiling and letting out a 'yay!'

They waited for Kayla and filled out paperwork for the puppy, Cole was having too much fun with him though. While Dylan and Amanda finished up the paperwork, Kayla handed them a leash and collar for him. They thanked her gratefully, Cole picked up the small dog taking him into the car following Dylan and Amanda. 

Once they got into the car they all took in a large breath, Dylan was the first one to speak, "Thank god."

Amanda giggled buckling her seatbelt, "Now we need to get mcnuggets and make them look like flowers!"

The boys groaned loudly buckling their seat belts as well, Dylan cuddled the dog in the back. Cole drove into the mcdonalds drive through not too far from the pet store, Cole ordered the nuggets while Amanda attempted to distract Angela on the phone. She put it on speaker looking at the boys,

"Amanda? Where are you?" Angela spoke from the phone,

"I'm just uhm out." Amanda answered,

Amanda was able to tell Angela was suspicious, "Right, uh where are you?"

"The mall." She responded quickly hoping she'd buy it,

"Oh! Ok well when will you be back? I have something I wanna show you." Angela inquired,

Amanda sighed shutting her eyes, "Uhh like ten minutes? Maybe five?"

"Mkay I'll talk to you soon yeah?" Angela chirped,

"Yeah-Yeah you will." Amanda muttered,

Angela said goodbye before Amanda hanging up, the boys were still in the process of sticking chicken nuggets onto the sticks. Amanda shook her head giggling at the both of them, "You guys are crazy."

"Crazy in love by Beyonce." Dylan exclaimed wiping the grease off of his hands, the dog slept peacefully next to him not bothered by the chicken nuggets. Amanda clipped his collar on and hooked his leash on as Cole drove back to Amanda's hotel. 

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