Chapter 8

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World View
Atlas Adventures

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing."
- Helen Keller -

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Electronic
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Author Speaking

~ Back to the Story! ~

As Izuku woke up, he was blinded by a bright white light as he sat up. 'A hospital?' He thought as he looked around the room to find all his equipment on a table nearby and a few machines connected to him. Then he pulled out the IV drip and other stuff connected to him before getting up slowly in just his blue shirt, jeans, and red high-tops. "Pina, anything to report?"

"Winter Schnee took you to the Atlas hospital. She should be here in about half an hour, just get your armor ready."

"Thanks for the heads up." He replied before putting on his watch and bracelet followed by his vest and other equipment. Once he was done, he checked over his equipment a few times until he heard some footsteps, so he stood by the door with Wayward Serenity (Melee form) on his back.

A few seconds later, General Ironwood and Winter Schnee walked into the room after one another. As soon as they saw the hospital bed empty, they got their weapons ready as Izuku slipped out of the room.

"Damn, Winter, go after him." Order Ironwood as Winter ran out of the room. But the general rolled up his right sleeve before tapping some buttons on his robotic arm.

As for Izuku, he kept running past the occasional doctor or scientist while he ran through the hallways with Pina as a guide. But in the midst of this running, he heard the furious clicking of heels behind him and quickly gaining. 'Crap, Crap, Crap!'

In a mere second, Izuku was tackled down with two soft orbs pressing against his back while his head was being pressed against the ground. "Don't try to resist. It will not end well." Threatened Winter as she got up, only to put Izuku's hand behind his back and a knee close to his crotch.

"I could think of worse, Glynda's likes to play rough." He said in retort as his watch shot a laser at Winter's shoulder, releasing her grip before he got up and started to run again. Then he whipped around the halls a few more times as he started to hear Winter's heels again.

But as he heard the clicking get faster, he started looking for an exit which he only saw an elevator. "You're on the thirty-second floor, try jumping out a window." Advised Pina, as nanobots spread around his arms, making sleeves before they reached his back (over his clothes).

Then, Izuku jumped out a window from the thirty-second floor as Winter peered out the window after he jumped. Yet, as Winter looked down to see him drop to the ground, she started to hear a humming noise before looking up. And Izuku had a jetpack and wings both black with green decals as he flew into a cloud.

"The general isn't going to like this," She said with her mouth agape before forcing it closed and running back to the general.

Fun Fact: Any form Pina takes must be programmed in advance due to stability and performance reasons.

Back to Izuku, he was flying off as he got to the other side of Atlas after a few minutes of using his wingsuit. "Never thought I'd be using that setting to escape a woman." He joked as he landed on a building, with a view of Atlas academy across town. "Well, I guess I'm should call Pyrrha."

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