⠀⠀Taehyung's face lit up as he flashed Jungkook his infamous pearly-white smile that left most boys weak at the knees. "Yeah," he rasped out and then turned to leave the kitchen, getting a reaction out of Jungkook.

⠀⠀"You're not even gonna say thank y—"

⠀⠀Before finishing his little tirade, Taehyung turned around and placed his big hands on Jungkook's slim waist. "Woah there, shorty. I wasn't done." Face closer to Jungkook's than it should've been, he continued, "Thanks, by the way. Not just for the food, but for the tutoring too." Taehyung's voice was so lush and sexy—he was truly able to weasel himself out of anything by just talking.

⠀⠀"You're welcome," mumbled out Jungkook while pulling Taehyung's hands off his waist. "And what do you mean by 'shorty,' huh?! We're basically the same height!" he squeaked out, Taehyung cooing at his cute tantrum.

⠀⠀With a smug look, Taehyung placed his hand on top of his head and moved it across the air until it was over Jungkook's head, a small gap apparent. "I'm still taller by an inch or two, so you're the shorty by default."

⠀⠀"But I- Whatever. Be quiet before I spit in your food," he grumbled out as he placed the chicken in water to thaw it out. While Taehyung's laugh resonated across the kitchen, Jungkook turned his back to him. "I'm not even gonna get worked up over this. I sound like Jimin for Christ's sake."

⠀⠀"You're so cute sometimes, Kookie," cooed Taehyung and Jungkook remained silent as he got out the cutting board and a knife to slice the chicken.

⠀⠀He's lucky I'm nice or else I would've said he's only taller because of his giant forehead, Jungkook thought to himself, taking out his aggression on the chicken in front of him. However, he soon got carried away and ended up cutting his finger. "Damnit!" he groaned out.

⠀⠀Spotting the trickles of blood on Jungkook's finger, Taehyung rushed to the bathroom to return just as quickly with a first-aid kit. "Let me see it," he said softly, rubbing a cotton ball dabbed in hydrogen peroxide on the cut to disinfect it, and covering it with a band-aid. "All better."

⠀⠀"Thanks, Tae," muttered Jungkook before adding, "Guess I won't spit in your food now."

~ ~

⠀⠀With alfredo and seasoned chicken permeating the air, Taehyung and Jungkook sat at the table and made some small talk, but there were no awkward silences compared to their date last night (hey, it was an improvement). It was also nice that the tension between them was slowly easing, but Jungkook still had his apprehensions.

⠀⠀Twirling his fork into the noodles before raising it to his mouth, Taehyung asked, "So, who taught you have to make this?"

⠀⠀Jungkook giggled at Taehyung's moans of delight as he chewed his food before answering his question. "Oh, it's not that hard to make, but, um, Jin did-" His eyes widened at the mention of that name. It sort of slipped all the time, almost more than Jungkook's clumsy self.

⠀⠀Surprisingly, Taehyung didn't have much of a reaction this time. "Cool—"

⠀⠀At this point, since he was brought up, Jungkook felt he had nothing to lose. "I, uh, w-wanted to know something: what exactly did Jin tell you about us h-hooking up in your room?"

⠀⠀Nibbling at his plump bottom lip, Taehyung then sighed. He didn't really want to talk about this, but he figured it was better to address it than act like it didn't spark an argument between them a week ago. "It was, like, almost four years ago during senior year. He bitched about his parents not giving you guys enough privacy at his place, so he asked if you guys could use my house while my folks and I were gone. When I got home that day, I found a thank you note and an opened condom wrapper—"

⠀⠀Eyes wide, Jungkook quickly objected at that last part. "What?! We literally didn't have sex in your house; I swear on my parents' lives! He wanted to, but I said it was wrong and he got pissed at me that day..." Quickly looking down, Jungkook added, "But why would he brag about that in the first place?"

⠀⠀Not thinking, Taehyung uttered, "To make me jealous."

⠀⠀Furrowed eyebrows now directed at Taehyung and confusion taking over Jungkook's face, the younger asked, "W-What?"

⠀⠀"Never mind- it's not important. Let's just eat," murmured Taehyung, playing with the leftover chicken alfredo on his ceramic plate.

⠀⠀Well, so much for there not being any awkward silences between them anymore because the two were now eating their food in silence. This was why he didn't want to talk about it in the first place; he knew he'd say something regretful. Luckily for Taehyung, Jungkook was still quite naïve like he thought.

⠀⠀Looking to lighten the mood, Taehyung pitched Jungkook an offer. Actually, thinking about it now, it was quite a controversial offer, so maybe this wouldn't lighten the mood at all. "Hey, so I got invited to a party this weeknd and—"

⠀⠀The mention of the word party was enough for internal sirens to go off in Jungkook's head. "Hell no! I've swore off parties after what happened that one night!" He wasn't looking to repeat history.

⠀⠀"Jeez, at least let me finish," said Taehyung, resting his cheek against the knuckles of his fist. "I promise neither of us will drink this time."

⠀⠀"Why can't one of your friends go with you? L-Like, Namjoon or-" he whined out, thinking of any way out of this.

⠀⠀"Namjoon and Hoseok got other plans and Yoongi's going, but he's boring," explained Taehyung.

⠀⠀"That's kinda rude, no? Yoongi's a sweetheart and I'm not all that fun—"

⠀⠀"C'mon- please!" Oh no, there it was, that persuasive voice of his. His pouty lips weren't making it any easier on Jungkook either. "I won't let anything happen to you this time—I promise."

⠀⠀The way Taehyung said that last sentence so warmly made Jungkook feel secure. Once again, his tendency of being a pushover was coming out, and dammit, he truly hated it. "Fine," sighed out Jungkook as he finally caved.

⠀⠀"Chill," rapsed Taehyung before pulling out his phone to tell his friend (who was throwing the party) that Jungkook was tagging along. Thinking he was slick, Taehyung added, "So, you wanna do a few of my homework prob—"

⠀⠀Springing to his feet and reaching for his backpack, Jungkook stammered out, "Sorry, I ca-can't! I-I gotta go home and feed m-my dog!"

⠀⠀"Liar! You don't even have a dog!"

⠀⠀"You don't know my life!" squeaked out Jungkook as he made a run for it to the front door. Nothing but a laugh left Taehyung's mouth before he was left alone to do his homework himself.

⠀⠀As for the two of them, they had totally different things running through their minds at the moment. While Taehyung was relieved things were slowly mending between him and Jungkook, the other was sick to his stomach with a bad feeling about the party this weekend—and maybe Jungkook had a reason to be worried.

~ ~

OMG, ladies and gays, it felt so nice being able to write some soft moments with taekook. Y'all don't know how LONG I've been waiting to do that sksjskskks AHHHHHH. I hope y'all are happy with there being less conflict for once, but don't get too excited because it ain't over. There's still a lot more drama in store for this book, so brace yourselves!

Sorry if this chapter is longer than usual, but I didn't wanna take anything out. I'm actually really content with this chapter, which I haven't been for a while so yas bitch! Also, I have two fanfics planned that I'll be writing after this story is over, and I'll have you guys vote on which one you want me to write next, but that'll be much later. Ugh, I wish I could reveal them to you guys now though. 🙃😭 Should I?? AHHH idk fuuuuuuck.

Anyway, as always, thanks for the love and support. It means the world to me and motivates me to continue writing. As long as someone is reading this then that's enough for me tbh.


Cam Boy ➳ [taekook]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon