Chapter 8

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Alec's P.O.V:

When I open my eyes, I find myself in a different room than the one I last remember. But then again, I can't remember what happened... all I remember is stepping into that club with the other two, drinking too much, thinking of Magnus  and then... nothing. I try to recognize the room I'm in as I try to get up from the bed I'm laying when I feel a sharp pain hit me in my head, like someone's pounding it in a wall. I scream in pain, but I still try to get up when I hear a couple of footsteps and the sound of heels approach me.

"Wow, slow down brother, lay back down. You fell pretty bad back there", I hear Jace's voice, but it seems like it's far, far away from me. My parabatai and sister sit on each side of the bed. Both of them push me back to bed as I give in, the pain growing unbearable.

"Guys, what happened? Where am I?", I ask confused.

"The Institute bro. You passed out in the hall after screaming our names. As to why you passed out, we really have no idea. I mean, I understand that you had your first hangover yesterday but you looked like you saw a ghost! Alec... what happened? ", Jace explains and it's like a switch was pulled up in my mind.

That's when it all came crushing down. Memories hit me so hard that I want to throw up. The club, kissing that girl's soft lips,then waking up to her in the morning, cheating on Magnus... But how did I end up at the loft last night? Wait.... that's why I'm here! To ask Jace and Izzy what happened yesterday.

"Guys... last night... I got drunk... And then a girl kissed me... and in the morning I woke up with her in mine and Magnus' bed... all in all... I cheated on him...", I feel tears float down my face like a river but I don't stop them. I don't have the strength  to do it. I can't do anything anymore. All I can do is stand here and accept the pain and the hate, until guilt eats me alive. If it hasn't already.

"Alec what are you talking about?", both ask me at tge same time, clearly confused. I try to explain everything, a little bit more detailed this time, but I get interrupted by Jace.

"Alec last night you got super drunk. We all did. And while Izzy and I were dancing, I saw you kissing a girl. Well, more like I saw her trying to force herself on you while you stood there looking stunned. You tried to push her away but you were too week so we came to your rescue. I pushed her off of you, which took a lot of effort might I add, and Izzy took you home. End of story", Jace says and I freeze for a second. What?

"Alec when I took you to Magnus' loft he was there. He was kinda sick himself I could tell, so when you hugged him both of you nearly fell. Then you started crying, and told him that you cheated on him but I explained everything to him and he didn't seem upset. On the contrary, he just laughed it off! He told me to go home, and that he'll take care of you. Last thing I saw before walking out was Magnus trying to reassure you that you did nothing wrong while dragging you to what I presumed was the bedroom", Izzy finishes with her point of view and I can't help but feel a wave of relief covering my body. But if what Izzy says is true...

"Then who's that girl I woke up with?". That's when my phone rings. Jace hands it to me but I don't check the I.D. caller.

"Alec Lightwood speaking".


Hey pumpkins!!! Sorry for not posting earlier.... but new chapter!!! Hope you like it !!! Please vote and comment!!! Love you guys!!! Next one soon!!!

Cheaters Be CheatingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora