Chapter 5

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Magnus' P.O.V:

"Dear Ragnor ! Long time no see!", I say as I land in my friend's living.

" Magnus! Long time indeed! How would you fancy a drink? Ragnor replies as he gets up from the couch to greet me. We share a brief, friendly hug and then Ragnor passes me drink. Vodka. God, I love vodka.

"So Magnus, how have you been?", he asks as he sits back down and offers me to sit. I thank him with a nod of my head and sit on the couch next to him.

" I've been fine. Everything's normal really. I just had a bad day", I explain as I take a sip from a drink 'oh I forgot how strong vodka is', I think when I feel the burning sensation running through my veins, setting them on fire. But  something tasted a bit off... 'Oh well',  I think as I continue drinking.

" Good, good... And your Shadowhunter?". His teasing tone and smug expression kind of annoys me, but the thought of my Alexander wakes my body more than any amount of alcohol ever could, so I move past the annoying feeling Ragnor's tone gives me and smile as I answer.

" We are fine. Actually, we are great, amazing. He's  amazing... I've never felt like this before Ragnor. Even with Camille it wasn't like this. Let alone the fact that she was just using me. But Alexander... God he's so special, so... different. I feel so lucky to have him. To call him mine. The simple fact of his existence is--", I keep daydreaming about my angel until I'm rudely interrupted.

"Okay, okay, we got it you're in love. Geez... Nevertheless, I'm glad you finally found the one and you're happy. You deserve it Magnus, after all the heartbreak. Your Alexander sounds like an amazing guy. I'm happy for you, really". I can hear the sincerity in my friend's voice and that makes me smile.

"Thank you my friend. So, how about you? How have things been for you? We haven't talked in a while. And what was it you wanted my help with? Is everything okay?", I ask, feeling the worry grow inside me. After all Ragnor is one of my oldest friends. I can't handle losing him, or anyone else for the matter.

"Yes, yes don't worry. I'm fine, there's just nothing interesting going on with my life. So the reason I called you is the fact that I needed your help for the potion. This werewolf showed up in my doorstep and offered me a great deal of money in exchange for my services. I couldn't find an ingredient so I texted you. But it was just in my cupboard. Silly me! Sorry for bringing you here for nothing. But please, stay for a while. Finish your drink. Let's catch up a bit. Like you said, we haven't talked for awhile", Ragnor suggests.

Truth be told, I find his behaviour a little odd, but I don't think much of it. Maybe it's the vodka. It sure does taste weird. But Alexander won't be back for like, another hour, so why not?

"Okay, yeah sure... let's catch up!", I say a little too giggly. Yep, it's the vodka.

Hello pumpkins! How have you been?? Hope you enjoyed this (hopefully) beautiful Chapter!! If you did please make sure to like and comment, trust me it means a lot! 'Till next time!! Byyyyeeeee!!!❤❤

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