Chapter 8

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He said I he likes me, I said it back. At first I was uncertain but now I'm more than excited, I don't know what's going to happen between us but I hope it was something for the best, I really didn't want to leave him, he already meant so much to me. "Raeyln we asked how you are doing lately" I looked up blinking, I was in group therapy. Oh yeah I'm still in Whitehaven, great. I plastered on a smile, it wasn't fake but it wasn't full of excitement either.

"Oh lately I've actually been very well, I'm feeling alot better than I was when I first got here a week ago and I believe I'm improving" I said thinking about my words before I said them, Ita true I felt I was feeling alot better. I stared at the room, it was group therapy and I didn't know anyone else in here besides Dr Megan.

She continued asking questions that everyone answered and I answered when she directed the questions at me.

The group therapy finished late, we where having some issues with one of the other patients who was getting mad at I believe the person sitting next to him, I wasn't too sure I wasn't paying attention that much.

*Time Skip*
It's been a week filled with group therapy and lone therapy, I haven't really seen Felix or anyone else from Straykids lately I have just been to tired or too busy and I assume they have been to, I have been speaking with Rose lately though seeing she visits me everyday about. She's been checking in on my and taking my pills and disposing of them I had no idea where though, she said she was making it look like I had been taking them but wouldn't actually let me do so.

Today was a Saturday I think or Friday I always get the days wrong I'm forgetful sometimes like that, I finished my therapy early because the lady said I had been doing excellent and have improved alot since I first arrived. I was walking down the halls humming to myself, I couldn't remember the song but the tune was stuck in my head until I hit something hard or maybe it hit me? I wasn't sure. I felt it hit me thought and began to fall waiting for the small impact of the floor to hit me but it didn't, there was a strong grub around my waist, someone caught me? Opening my eyes I looked up to see the gorgeous brown eyes I haven't seen in a week.

"Hey Raeyln I'm sorry for running into you I wasn't paying attention, I kind of ate Jisung's apple and he's mad at me so I was running" he said with a small smile on his freckled face.

"Oh no it's fine I wasn't really paying attention either" I smiled back at him, It must be contagious or something I don't know.

"Come with me I want to show you something" he said eagerly as he pulled me up grabbing my hand in the   progress and rushing down the hall, I was trying to keep up but I kept tripping over my own feet. We left the building and we're running across the the grass towards the trees, my breath was getting heavy, it was too much exercise.

"Hey Felix, are we allowed out here because I don't remember anything like this when I was taken around the area?" He nodded at me and from behind I knew that we was smiling. We kept walking awhile until we stopped at a small pond, there were ducks swimming around in the pond minding their business as we sat on the dark green grass next to the pond. The pond was clear blue, some of the cleanest water I have even seen even in the dark surroundings. The trees blocked out basically any light from getting through which some people would find scary but I found very comforting.

"I finish my treatment tomorrow" he finally spoke into the now chilly air, it made me feel sad knowing that I wouldn't really see him, it's not like I have seen him alot recently but it still made my heart ache thinking about it. I liked him more than I thought I did, as if sensing my feelings he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer to his body. "I'll still visit, you'll be here and plus I have to give you my number still not just that Jeongin and some of the others will still be here for a little bit so you won't be all by yourself. Okay, don't stress" he said looking into my eyes as I stared back into the eyes I adore so much.

"I really like you"

"And I really like you too" we smiled at each other, time feeling as if it stopped in that moment. He lent in until I felt his soft lips on mine.

Mental (Felix Lee/StrayKids FF) ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu