Chapter 5

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Her words set in, they couldn't be true could they? How could she be dead? How could I see her? How could any of this be possible? All these questions yet here I sat alone thinking them. Rosalinda left to walk the halls or something along those lines she said, while I sit here thinking about what has happened. How can I see a ghost? I didn't end up sleeping I sat outside in the same spot all night, thinking about what would of happened if I didn't come here. What would it be like to be normal?

*Time Skip next morning*
You haven't slept have you? I heard Rose speak, shaking my head no I stood up brushing the grass off my pants that might have had a green stain on them. I know this is hard for you, you're special you know that? I don't know why or how but I know you can do things no one else could. You can't tell anyone about this, well only people you trust with your life. She said to me in a stern voice, she reminded me of an older sister, one that I never had and was well dead. I nodded my head in her direction and stood up looking at the sun that has just ridden, when I look over in her direction she was gone. I'll see her later I know I will, I smile brushing off my pants and going to my new room to take a shower and change.

Why aren't I scared to talk to her? To see her? She attacked me yet I feel comfortable? I don't understand what is happening to me, am I going crazy like they said I would?, I got out of the shower dried and changed into shorts and a long sleeved shirt, grabbing my schedule I walked to my first session which would start in about 10 minutes. Walking into the office I sat down on the couch and waited for the therapist, this was just a session for me. My group session started closer in the evening which I wasn't too excited for.

*Time skip*
My session ended and I was now sitting in my room with an apple and a book, I haven't been feeling that hungry lately so I've been eating small snacks, mostly fruit. "Raelyn!" I heard someone scream, I looked to my right and Rose was staring at me with a confused look on her face. Don't look at me, I didn't scream for you, that came from outside. She said staring at the door, I stood up and opened the door. "Raeyln are you okay?" I heard the voice yell again, the voice sounded strangely familiar. I walked down the hallway following the voices that I had heard from my room.

"Chan calm down, you'll get kicked out" I heard someone scold, wait I know that voice. It's Woojin, Woojin my friend. I ran to the voices but as I turned around the corner I slammed into something, something hard. I started falling but was stopped by a hand around my waist, slowly I opened my eyes. The same brown dazzling eyes stared into mine, Felix.

"Oh my lord Raeyln, are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you okay? I've been looking for you for ages" he said speaking very fast. I blinked taking in everything he said before I could even speak I was interrupted.

"Raeyln, I just heard! Are you okay? How are you feeling? You look tired, why are you so tired?" I was crushed into a bear hug by none other than Chan, he's such a mum.
"Chan, Felix I'm fine, don't worry about it" I said with a smile on my face, I was feeling a little better, well better than I was a few days ago.
"Raeyln they refused to tell me anything, to tell us anything. We were really worried, especially Felix and Jeongin" Chan said adding a wink on the end which I just had to roll my eyes at, especially as Felix was starting to go red.

Where they really worried? They were so worried about me, I felt a year slip down my face. A warm finger wiped away my tear, looking raising my eyes off the floor I met eyes with the freckle faced boy, Felix Lee.

Mental (Felix Lee/StrayKids FF) ✓Where stories live. Discover now