Chapter IX: Bruce and Rachel

Start from the beginning

Jason faints.

Alfred: "Perfect."

Alfred takes Jason away. He goes into the Batcave through the Grandfather's Clock. Bruce walks in the Kitchen.

Bruce: "Guys?"

Bruce then goes on into the Batcave. It's empty. He slowly walks in and strolls down the stairs as his steps echoes in the empty cave. He checks the Bat-Computer. Bruce sits down on his cool chair and ponders, for 5 Minutes....

5 MInutes Later...

Bruce, staring down and widening his eyes and pointing his fingers up when he figures something out at the moment: "Hm... Joker note... Scare Crow's gas... Joker gas... Shark Attack... Monster Dudes... Hypnotizing Dude... So.... Scare Crow's planning to gas the city for whatever reason with Fear Toxin to control them, since I've seen Dr. Crane himself try to get the public's attention, so he may want to be a politician of some sort, or at least have the public see me as a bad person and him as the good guy, so he made me wrestle sharks to make me look bad, then he made me fight Man-Monsters to kill me and make me look bad, then he brought Hypnotizing Dude to try to make me look even worse... Scare Crow also tried to make me... the other me... look worse... which means... he either knows who I f*cking am, or maybe he wants to make Gotham hate me even more... but why? Of course! Because he thinks I'm against him! I'm the most powerful person in Gotham, and probably the world! He must've seen me as an enemy of some sort because of my comments against Downey regarding Batman... Scare Crow tried to f*ck me over 'cause of that! Wait, but The Joker is planning to do this thing with a costume... Oh.. Obviously he's going to try to frame me. Ha! That means... Oh my God..."

Bruce checks the news from his computer...


Bruce: "Man, f*ck Scare Crow. Also, I should really deduce more often..."

???: Having a tough time, I see?

Bruce: "F*ck off, Prometheus. I just told you a few weeks ago to get the hell out of my universe or, planet or whatever..."

Prometheus: Bruce, that was probably my past self. I doubt that I would still remember that.

Bruce: "Whatever!"

Prometheus: Doing this because you have problem with..*brushes hair* The Ladies?

Bruce: "Psh.. I'm just going to stand her up."

Prometheus: What'd she ever do to you?

Bruce: "Countless of disagreements, like-!"

Back then...

Teacher: "Children, what's the difference between these two sentences?"

One says, "Woman can't live on without  men." and the other says, "Men can't live on without women."

Rachel raises her hand as the teacher picks her: "The first one shows that women are being objectified, while the other shows that women are being empowered."

Bruce at the back: "I'm pretty sure both statements are objectifying something!"

The whole class laughs, mostly boys, including the teacher, Mr. Stone.

Bruce: "I don't understand what's so funny about that..."


Bruce: "And I never did! Or how about that other time when-..."


Bruce playing Play Doh with Rachel: "Chocolate, or vanilla?"

Rachel: "What about Strawberry?"

DCAbatman Part I: The Batman: The Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now