Chapter V: The Puppet Master

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November 13, 2015

Bruce goes home, silently. He opens the front door of his manor, and walks in, not turning on the lights. "Where the hell are they?" asked Bruce to himself, until he walks in the dining room and sees a note on the table, and there it is written, "Went to Disneyland with Alfred. C U tomorrow night. P.S. No crimes this week. P.P.S. We bought you Big Belly Burger" "Oh.." said Bruce, "Looks like I'm all by myself... again...." said Bruce, as he starts to talk with himself in his head, "I wonder what they're doing... They really like spending time without me... Huh...I just realized something... I've only ever spent time with Jason and Alfred when I do Batman work, or eat together in the table... Huh..." Bruce walks in the the kitchen and prepares a meal. He microwaves it, silently staring at the microwave. He then looks up, and another note is found, this time taped to the wall, saying, "P.P.P.S. Stop staring at random objects when you're lonely..." Bruce sighs and decides to bring out his phone and start tweeting. He tweets, "Lol. Just microwaved some Big Belly Burger all by myself!" Suddenly it gets responded by Robert Downey Jr., saying, "This is why Iron Man has the Avengers." "Are you telling me that, unlike me, you have other friends outside of work that aren't celebrities?" he asked thru a tweet. Robert deletes the tweet. "Lol." tweeted Alejandro Gonzales as Bruce then sends a thumbs up emoji. The microwave timer stops as he opens it and takes out a dish with a buffalo wing and a Big Belly Bacon Cheeseburger with Fries and a Mediterranean Salad. Bruce lights a candle, pours some red wine in his wine glass, sits down on the table and eats his meal. Bruce eats silently. No noise from outside because the manor is isolated in a huge field, no lights, no one to talk to, just pure, isolated silence.  Bruce finishes and drinks some wine. He then decides to take out his phone and call Harvey.  From across the city, Harvey awakens and picks up the phone. "What is it, Bruce?" he asked. "Any... cases to crack? The Joker did something ruthless? The Crow Gang did some f*cked up drug shit? Nothing?" asked Bruce. "No... this week was surprisingly peaceful..." replied Harvey, "No terrorist attacks, no crime rates, no robberies... Nothing. It seems God cut us some slack this week." "Don't you mean, 'Gave us a break'?" asked Bruce. "Excuse me?" asked Harvey. "'Cut some slack' means to not judge someone as severely because in current times his having such a hard time... So.. you must have meant, 'gave us a break'..." said Bruce. The two go silent for a few seconds. "I'm hanging up now." said Harvey. "No wait!" said Bruce. "What?" asked Harvey, following a long pause afterwards. "Uh.... What's your favorite color?" asked Bruce, as Harvey then hangs up. Bruce turns his cellphone off and just sits on the chair in front of the table. He goes upstairs, takes a bath, dries up, changes his clothes to his pajamas and lies in bed. Although he has laid down, he just goes on to stare at the ceiling. A small cockroach appears, crawling about. Suddenly he hears screeching. A small bat enters from outside the window and starts flapping it's wings, hovering above Bruce. Bruce stands up, runs downstairs, puts his hand on the glass of the Grandfather Clock, opening the Bat-Elevator, goes in the Batcave, wears his Batsuit, takes out the second Batmobile, and drives away from the Manor.


The Batman stays at the top of the building, wearing Night Vision Binoculars in the eye holes of his Batsuit. He looks around the peaceful streets of Gotham. The night wind howls as a storm arrives. He stands up, as behind him, lightning bursts from the clouds behind him and travels in the night sky. Batman's cape flows through the wind. Suddenly,  a man runs around in the city street with a suspicious looking masked man with a scratch on his hand holding a sack of some sort. 'YES... FINALLY!!!" yelled Batman in his usual Bat voice, "SOMEBODY TO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF!!!" He then swoops in with his grappling gun and kicks the man in the face. He lands on the street, saying, "Criminology 101..." said Bruce, "Wear gloves, dumbass..." The man then starts to run away. Bruce tosses a Batarang and it lodges into the man's shoulder, though he doesn't seem to respond. Bruce takes out his watch and presses a button as the Batmobile comes to the rescue. He rides it, chasing after the man. The man sees a guy getting his motorcycle ready, punches him in the face and rides it, driving off. The chase goes on as the man takes out a gun and shoots at the Batmobile. This, obviously, has no effect, though Batman jumps out, presses a button in hi watch, stops the Batmobile and spin kicks the man down to the ground. The motorcycle crashes in an alley way and explodes. The Batman then starts to beat the living hell out of him. Bruce then notices the scratch once again, causing him to stop. The man groans, crying, "Wha-?! What happened?! Where's my wife?! Where are my children?!" Bruce then kicks his face, knocking him out and brings him to the police. "Boom... saved the day again..." he said, leaving the unconscious body to GCPD.

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