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"Welcome friends and family to the Commencement of the graduating Class of 2018. You may all be seated."

I grabbed Jack's hand as everyone sat in their seats. I looked at Rapunzle, who was standing at the podium on the stage. We made eye contact and she smiled at me. I gave her a thumbs up before she took a deep breath to start her speech.

"So here we are everyone. The year has come and gone in a blink of an eye. The first day of senior year, I walked through the school doors thinking that my life was great and that I had everything I wanted: a hot boyfriend, a good group of girls to hang out with, an average GPA. Everything seemed to be simple. Peaceful. But, what I didn't know was that an important person was missing from my life. She's had a rough go through high school, and I am so glad she came into my life. I didn't know that we were going to be so close, especially in the circumstances that followed after meeting her. If it wasn't for her, I would not be standing on this stage today giving the Valedictorian speech. I wouldn't have been able to experience life to the fullest. I would have been living the quiet, boring, average life that I now realize I was unhappy with. So, on behalf of Elsa Arendele, I would like to tell everyone here today to give the people they care about a hug and tell them you appreciate them, because you never know if they will always be there in the end."

I couldn't help but tear up. I held eye contact with Punzie while she finished her speech. I could see the genuine feelings she had in her eyes. She looked so happy and I am so grateful she accepted me for who I was, and who I am now.

"And to finish off my speech, I would like to leave you all with an important message... Don't do dumb shit. Thank you."

Everyone started clapping and cheering. It's funny how 6 months ago, I didn't want to go to school or do anything, and now I am at graduation, smiling and clapping with everyone else.

Our principle had everyone quiet down before having us collect our diplomas. When my name was called I didn't expect anyone except from my friends to cheer for me. But as I stepped onto the stage, the whole graduating class stood and cheered for me. I looked out on everyone in awe. I couldn't help the tears that flowed from my eyes. Happy tears. For the first time in forever, I was filled with confidence and happiness.

I grabbed my diploma from our principle and made my way back to my seat. Jack was waiting with his diploma in hand as I wrapped my hand in his free one. He pulled me into a side hug as we waited for everyone to get their diploma. The tears finally stopped at some point during the last couple of speeches. I looked over at Jack to see that he was staring back at me. Jack and I closed the distance between us. As our lips touched, I felt like I was finally at peace with the world. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't realize the speeches had finished.

"Congratulations to the class of 2018! You may now move your tassel!"

Jack and I pulled apart and stared into each others eyes. Jack smiled and flipped my tassel as I did his, and together we threw our caps into the air with everyone else. Jack pulled me into another quick kiss before grabbing our hats off the ground. He handed me mine and we were off to find the others.

I spotted Anna with Jack's mom and sister, since she still had one more year in school. Once she spotted me, she smiled and started to run this way. She was running full speed at me, almost dropping the flowers she held in her hand. She gave me a hug, smashing the roses in the process. She finally pulled away from the hug when she saw Kristoff behind me. She ran and hugged him, squishing the flowers more.

I laughed and turned back to Jack. My other friends had found us and were exchanging hugs.

"Hell free!" Merida shouted as she made her way over to me. Punzie followed and we ended up in a little group hug. Soon the little group turned into the whole group, with Jack's mom and sister also in the hug.

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