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The rest of the day went by quickly. Jack still never left my side unless we had to go to separate classes. The bell rang for the day to be over and I headed off to my locker. I put my books away and looked at the piece of paper Melissa gave me. I wonder what would happen if I didn't go? I was not about to find out. I looked around and made sure i didn't see Jack or Anna and I headed to the gym. When I got there, the three girls were waiting impatiently leaning against the wall, talking amongst themselves.

"Well, well, well. She actually showed up." Melissa said with a venomous tone. I stopped walking when I was a couple feet away from the girls. I was too scared to move any closer and didn't want them seeing me shake in fear.

"You just don't learn do you? Jack is mine! He will never be yours because he doesn't love you! I know why you cling onto Jack. Poor little Elsa can't stand being around her daddy because she sleeps with him all the time, so she uses Jack to cover up for her slutty actions, isn't that right Elsa?"

Melissa's words stung and I was too shocked to respond. How did she find out? Was she stalking me? Did someone tell her?

"H-how did y-you f-find out?" I asked so softly I didn't know if the girls actually heard me.

"About your slutty actions? Oh, your dad told me. He just misses you SO much that he is using me to get you back!"

"That's not true. I don't sleep with him." I said with a little more confidence, some of the anger buried inside me coming out.

"Wow, the freak actually can speak without stuttering!" Melissa said sarcastically. She walked towards me and grabbed my arm. "Don't talk to me like that freak! I rule this school and you can't tell me what's true and what's not!"

I winced and tears started to form in my eyes. I could feel the cuts on my arm start opening up again from the pressure.

"Oh, does this hurt? Why let's see your arm then shall we?" Melissa asked smirking.

I struggled against her as she tried rolling up my sleeve. She only gripped tighter, which restricted my movements with pain. Once my sleeve was down Melissa gasped.

"Is this what I think it is? You are a freak! Freaks only do things like this. Why don't you kill yourself and do the world a favor. No one wants an emo freak like you walking on the earth!"

Tears were already streaming down my face before I was thrown on the ground. The three girls kicked me and kicked dirt on me. I just laid there, motionless as they continued.

"Now that's done we can't have you telling Jack about this little meet up now can we?" Melissa said before kicking me in the throat. I coughed and wheezed. It was the worst pain I had ever felt. My vocal chords felt like they were run over by a truck.

The three girls laughed as the walked away. I couldn't handle this anymore. I had to get out of here. I sat up against the wall trying to get some air back into my lungs. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I slowly pulled it out with the little energy my body had. There was several messages from Jack as well as Anna and their friends.

From Jack:
     Where are you????
     I'm worried???
     Did you get held up in class? Please call me!!

From Anna:
     Jack's looking for you!! Are you okay?

From Merida:
     Where ye at?? We are all looking for ye!!

I read the rest of the messages sent. I had no energy to reply back. I laid my head against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain coursing through my body.


My head jerked up, causing a headache. I looked around and saw everyone running to me across the field. I tried calling out to them but no sound came, instead a crackling noise and pain occurred.

They were half way across the field when darkness consumed me and I was being carried away. I started to panic. I had no idea who was carrying me and what was going to happen. All I heard was my friends calling out to me in panic.

I felt myself being thrown into something, I'm assuming was a car, and quickly taking off, the voices of my friends fading quickly. I felt so much pain at the moment that I had passed out in the back seat of an unknown car with a stranger.


Jack and we're waiting by Jack's car for 30 minutes waiting for Elsa. She's never late and if she was, she would have texted where she was or how long she would be.

"I'm worried about her." Jack said. I could see how worried he was. His eyebrows were crinkled together and his eyes were darting everywhere in panic.

"Don't worry. We will find her. Text everyone to text her as well as meet by the front of the school." I pulled out my phone and texted Mer and Punz, and within 5 minutes, everyone was at the front.

"Where do you think she ran off too?" Flynn asked. Both Jack and I shrugged our shoulders.

"Well I say let's look behind the gym? All the teachers are pretty much gone and none of us saw her inside the school." Hiccup suggested. We all nodded and ran towards the gym. We approached the field behind the gym and I could see Elsa sitting against the wall. I couldn't see if anything was wrong but I could tell something was up if she has been sitting there by herself with no explanation.

We all started shouting at her and she looked up. I watched her actions very carefully as we ran towards her. I could tell she was trying to shout back but something wasn't right. She winced and looked miserable.

We were halfway across the field when someone grabbed her and placed a sack over her head. I would know that form anywhere. That was my DAD, running away with my sister.

"ELSA!!!!" We all shouted and started to run faster. We weren't fast enough though. She was thrown into a car and sped off down the road. Our legs were no match for the speed of the car.

I started to cry as the reality hit me that my big sister was kidnapped.

"Hey, Anna! Everything is going to be fine. We will find her and get her back okay?" Kristof soothed me as he held me in his arms.

Jack stood frozen in the direction the car sped off. He had no expression on his face. It was just blank. I felt bad for him. He had just gotten her away from all of that and now he lost her too it.

"Who was that anyways?" I heard Punz say with a scared tone. We were all silent. No one answered. Jack finally turned around to face us as he broke the silence.

"Her dad..."

Hey! Two updates within a week!! I know I'm a bad writer but I'm having fun publishing my own ideas and somewhat expressing myself through writing. :)

Sorry if this chapter is so bad. Its almost three in the morning:p

Hope you enjoyed though and I might have another chapter up.


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