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All I could do was sit in my room. I kept all of the curtains closed and I sat on my bed. I didn't move unless I had to pee. I haven't showered in a week, nor have I eaten.

It's been a week since Elsa tried to... you know. She's been in that coma for a week. I haven't gone and seen her since the first night she was admitted. When I saw her lying in that hospital bed, with all of those tubes and bandages, I didn't know what to feel. I can't go back. I can't see her like that. I just want to see her awake and happy.

When I found her note, my heart broke. My older sister was in pain, and I never once asked her how she was doing. After she got out of the hospital when the whole thing with our father happened, I thought she was doing better. She started eating, she could talk again, and she was smiling more. I thought things were looking up for her. I don't know what caused her to do this. I just wish she would have came to me for help. I don't care if she's older, if she needed help, she should have come to me for comfort. But resorting to this? It's effected everyone she spends her time with. Even little Lucy wonders why Elsa hasn't come home yet.

Sitting in the same spot for a week gave me lots of time to think. At first, all I could feel was sadness and guilt. But now, all I feel is anger. I'm so mad that she didn't come to me. I'm mad that she's been in the next room, feeling like she's worthless. I'm mad that Jack didn't even know something was up. But mostly, I'm mad at my dad. I'm furious that he had to go and ruin our lives. I could be sitting in my own room back at my house chatting over the phone like normal teenagers would be doing if they had a normal family. But, of course, I had to be cursed with such a horrible life. Maybe I'm sounding selfish, while my sister is lying in the hospital, possibly never to wake again. But I have the right to be angry too.

Without thinking, I picked up the closest thing to me, which happened to be a book, and chucked it at the wall, screaming in frustration.

Jack and Kristof came running in the room. I was balling my eyes out and screaming at nothing. Both boys tried to calm me down, but it just resulted in more of my sobs and screams. They decided to let me be and walked out of the room, leaving the door ajar in case I called for them.

I laid down on my side, facing the wall, and hugged my pillow. I used it to muffle my cries and soon fell into a deep and dark sleep. No dreams, just blackness.


I haven't been back to school. It's now been two weeks of Elsa being in a coma. There hasn't been any brain activity or responses from her. I'm at the hospital everyday from the start of visiting hours till the end. At the moment I was sat in a chair beside Elsa's hospital bed, holding her hand as I stared out the window.

A knock sounded through the room and the doctor walked in.

"Hello Jack." He said in a tone that I couldn't quite decipher. I looked at him strangely and he must have noticed because he sighed.

"Look, Jack. We can't keep her on life support for much longer. If she doesn't start responding within the next month, we are going to have to pull her from the machines." He said not making eye contact.

I just stared at him with no emotion. He can't be serious, right? You can't just take a patient off of life support! A doctors job is supposed to keep the patient alive for as long as possible for fucks sake! I took a deep breath before speaking.

"So, what you're telling me, is that you are just going to give up?" I said slowly so I could avoid raising my voice.

"We aren't giving up. It's just that there is a lot of patients coming in lately. The hospital isn't that big in the first place, so we can't keep patients for so long." (A/N- I don't know how hospital rules work so if this isn't correct I'm not trying to cause issues or say that hospitals don't try to keep patients alive. It's just for the plot. So don't get your panties in a twist.)

I just stared back out the window, afraid if I said something, it would come out as harsh. The doctor sighed and walked out of the room. I waited for the door to close before I turned towards my beautiful girlfriend.

I studied her features. Her cheekbones were more prominent because of the lack of food, her hair wasn't brushed and her nails had grown long. She didn't have bandages on her arms anymore, just stitches in the cuts that were a little too deep. There was still a pump in her stomach trying to slowly pump out all of the medication she took.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I rubbed circles into the back of her palm.

"Hey Elsa. Nothing has really changed in the last two weeks. Anna still hasn't gone back to school. Neither have I. We both just sit and stare into nothingness. Look, you have to get better. You need to wake up. We all need you. If you don't respond or wake up, they will take you off life support. I don't know what I would do, what any of us would do if you were gone. I barely made it in time to save you, so now you need to save us. Please wake up Elsa. We need you. Please." I finished before I choked on a sob.

All we need is for her to wake up. I don't think any of us would be able to handle anything if we lost Elsa. She completed our little circle of friends. Weather she knew it or not, we all loved her. She made everyone's day brighter. She caused us to laugh and joke and just have fun.

But, without her, I don't think our group of friends would ever be the same. I would never be the same. She had such an impact on my life. I would die without her. I don't know how I functioned without her for so long. All I know is, I need her in my arms, awake and healthy, before I could ever be happy again.

Here is a chapter guys! I think I'm going to upload every Sunday. I haven't decided yet. My senior year is going great so far. There's this new kid already and he is honestly freaking hot... and he's from Connecticut! I did a project on it in the 5th grade. So I guess it's something we have in common... right?... oh well. I hope you enjoyed!




Love y'all!

~ Kait

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