"Good evening!" Jack greeted back as he gave the cake to Mrs. Black, "Here's the cake bake by Elsa"

"Oh! Thank you" Mrs. Black said smiling and happily received it.

Elsa wonders do Mrs. Black never grows tired of smiling. Every time she looked at her, she was always smiling.

"I'll put this in the fridge and I'll serve it later after we eat dinner." Mrs. Black put the cake in the fridge. "Oh, please take a seat."

Jack pulls the chair for Elsa to seat and she thanked him then he seated beside her. He looked at the couple in front of them and saw something twinkling in the eyes of Mrs. Black as she looked at them.

What was that?

"Let's eat" Mrs. Black happily said. This woman has a lot of energy to be happy.

They started eating and Jack keep putting food in Elsa's plate

Elsa noticed that Jack was so, she doesn't know, gentleman or rather too caring this time. He serves everything she needs in this dinner. Jack keeps putting food on her plate.

Is he trying to make her fat? She groaned quietly.

"So how do you two met?" Mrs. Black decided to start a conversation with the question.

Elsa glanced at Jack then back to Mrs. Black. "I was teaching at the Troll's foundation and the company where Jack works is one of the sponsors in the foundation." she looked back to Jack and saw him looking at her so she smiled back.

Jack couldn't help but touch her soft pink cheek, gently caressed with his thumb. "I fell in love with her smile" he smiled genuinely for the first time that makes her heart pumped faster and she knew the redness was creeping in her cheeks. Her eyes falter but the smile is still on her beautiful face.

"Oh my!" They heard Mrs. Black gasped that brought Jack back to reality while Elsa silently thanks Mrs. Black as she smiled were starting to falter.

Jack cleared his throat and looked away embarrassed. What the hell is he thinking! Oh, gods! This is insane!

"You're so lucky to have Jack as a husband," Mrs. Black said that caught Jack's attention while Elsa was focusing to calm her heart.

"He's so honest" Elsa looked at Mrs. Black as she gently smiles at them. "I wish Pitch is as honest as you Jack," Jack couldn't help but take a glance at Pitch to see his reaction. They felt like there's a double meaning behind Mrs. Black's words.

"I mean he never told me something sweet like that when we're with people." Mrs. Black pouted.

Pitch put his hand in his wife's shoulder then whispered something in his wife's ear. Suddenly, Mrs. Black blushed shyly and looked up at Pitch. There's an emotion swelling in Pitch's eyes and Jack couldn't believe it.

Pitch lovingly looked at his wife. He loves his wife.

Jack couldn't imagine that the notorious drug dealer has an emotion such as love.

Elsa's mind was too occupied to notice what the couple in front of them was doing. There's an emotion sprang inside of her that she could name it. Some part of her couldn't help but believe what Jack had said. A joy overwhelmed her heart thinking that Jack fell in love with her smile.

Mrs. Black finally realized that their guest couple was still there watching them, "Oh sorry!" She blushes a little then looked away while Pitch picks his fork and knife to continue eating.

"So, any plans of having kids?" Mrs. Black changes the subject and Jack felt the food clogged in his throat causing him to cough violently just by hearing that question.

The coughing snaps Elsa from her world. She immediately rubs Jack's back and gave him water.

Jack immediately gulped down the water through his throat to unclog the food. He successfully unclogs the food and sighed in relief as his breathing went back to normal.

"Are you okay?" Elsa asked worriedly. Jack nodded and smile. "I'm sorry about that. He's fine now" Elsa smiled and Mrs. Black sighed in relief.

"Sorry, the question caught me off guard" Jack apologizes. "We're still young and we want to spend more time with each other" Jack answered.

'Where did he get that answer? There's something wrong with him! Oh, gods help him!' Jack prayed mentally.

Hours went by, they continuously chatted after dinner. Pitch often butt in the conversation. As the night fell deeper, they decided to call it a night and went home.

Jack successfully put the listening device in Pitch's house as his wife tours them in the house. His body feels deadly tired as they entered their humble abode.

"So you fell in love with my smile?" Elsa sliced the silence between them with a question. She was smiling and amusement was visible in her eyes. She hopes she wasn't smiling that too broadly.

"It's just an act" Jack deadpanned.

Shit! Did he need to say that? Did he think it was an act?

He scolded himself but it was too late to take back what he said.

Elsa felt like something struck her making her whole body numb "I know" she manages to say quietly.

Jack looked at her and saw the pain in her eyes.

What was that? He frowned.

"I'll go to my room and rest. Good night" Elsa left and went to her room.

She should have known. How stupid of her forgetting that all of this is just an act.

Blast it!

She felt her heart just dropped on the floor and shattered. She unconsciously touches her cheeks as she felt something warm in it. She immediately wipes the tears in her cheeks after realizing that she was crying.

For goodness sake what's happening to her?

Jack's body was telling him to chase her but why would he do that?

He groaned as he brushed his hair with frustration. Jack went to his room and dropped his body on the bed. He keeps on staring at the ceiling.

What the hell is happening to him?

Why does he feel like this?

Jack closed his eyes and let the sleepiness swallowed him.


WORD COUNT: 1536 words


EDITED: 12/08/2020

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