Chapter 26

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Kensi POV
It had been a couple months since I'd moved in with Will, nothing super interesting had happened with the IMF. Little missions had popped up every now and then but nothing insane like what happened with Ilsa or Patrick Jane. I had been working more on my mentalist skills, going to some conventions, meetings, and classes as a normal citizen. It was really strange trying to be normal and blend in with society. Brandt and I's relationship had progressed we had gotten pretty serious, it'd been amazing, I loved him. Today I was walking home from a meeting at the IMF HQ in DC as got a call from Will. I answered knowing he probably wanted me to pick up some stuff before I headed home.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey babe, would you mind picking up some groceries before you head home? We have like nothing in the fridge currently..." I sighed, I thought I had gone shopping a week ago. The food disappeared so quickly living with Brandt.
"Of course, I'll be home in like an hour then." I told him.
"Okay love, see you then." He hung up, I quickly started walking the opposite direction towards the grocery store...
Brandt POV
I had asked Kensi to go to the grocery store to buy some more time for me to prepare for my proposal. I had no idea how to do it until I consulted Ethan. He helped me throw most of it together. I had thrown together a fake case file that had her going on a little mysteries throughout the day, she would find it as she got home with the groceries. I would be gone and Ethan would be there to guide her through to make sure she got to the ending where I would be with a ring. I was really nervous about it, but had a good feeling it would go well. I couldn't imagine my life without her, when I lost her for over a year it was devastating, when the IMF was disbanded it added even more pressure on me. To have Ethan going after the syndicate and having absolutely no idea what was happening to Kensi on the other side of the world. I had hoped everything would go according to plan, but Kensi is very hard to predict, after all she was an agent of the IMF.
Kensi POV
I had finally gotten home with some groceries, not a lot because after all I had walked home and only took as much as I could carry. Basically meaning I bought some fruit and veggies and some meat that I could cook. Until I could go to the store later. I walked in the door and saw a manila envelope on our small table in the kitchen. I quickly set everything down and threw the fruit and meat in the fridge.
"Will?!!" I yelled, hoping maybe he could explain it before I opened it. But I received no answer. I cautiously walked over to it and opened the manila folder.
"Agent O'Connell your mission should you choose to accept it..." I heard a voice coming from my living room. I pulled my gun from my waistband and proceeded slowly into the living room. I peered into the room, quickly turning the lights on just to be surprised by Ethan Hunt standing in the middle looking directly at me with his hands up.
"Woaw, Kensi, chill." He laughed awkwardly.
"Geez Ethan you know not to scare me like that. I could've shot you." I told him putting my gun back and going up to hug him. I hadn't seen him in a while.
"What're you doing here?" I proceeded to ask him.
"Well I need your help." He told me putting his hands in his jacket pocket he lead me back into the kitchen again. He picked up the folder and handed it to me. I looked inside and saw a picture of a quaint looking restaurant, however, that's all that was in the folder.
"Is that it?" I asked him looking into his eyes, seriously confused as to what was going on.
"Yeah that's all we have to go on so far, we need to go question the restaurant manager. The IMF believes that there have been illegal trades and deals of narcotics going through the restaurant that's erupted into a larger chain of large weapon terrorism. They also think it could have to do with your mission before I recruited you 2 years ago." I nodded, it added up in my head I was never updated after Ethan told me some other agent would be taking over my case as I thought I would be but I guess he had failed and gotten caught and the mission was handed off to someone else.
"Okay so lets go check it out I guess?" I asked Ethan. He nodded and we both walked out the door and to the restaurant. Once we got to the restaurant we immediately decided it would be more fun to sit and eat before questioning the manager after all it was around lunch time. We placed our order and just started talking like old times. Our cover? A couple who was just out for lunch. Once our food got there I took a look and started eating. The waitress came back and asked how it was. Immediately I covered my mouth and looked wide eyed at Ethan and started coughing.
"Uhhh does her dish have peanuts in it?" Ethan asked the waitress acting scared and flustered. He got up pulling me out of my seat and putting his arm around me.
"Ummm.... Yeah, I think it does. Oh my god is she allergic???" The waitress started freaking out.
"I'll fix it, come on honey let's go to the bathroom. I'd like to speak to the manager!!" He shouted leading me away and to the bathroom. Once we were inside the bathroom I stopped with the act and we just started laughing.
"Always a classic" I said.
"Love their reactions every time." Ethan laughed.
"Think we've wasted enough time in here?" I asked, it'd been like 10 minutes or so. Ethan decided so, he walked out and was met immediately by a scared waitress and a guy who he assumed was the manager.
"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry. Your meals on us today." The manager tried to fix the mistake.
"You know what I'd have half a mind to sue this restaurant for almost killing my wife!" Ethan yelled.
"Oh my, well maybe we can talk this out in my office downstairs." The manager tried to reason with Ethan. I knew it was time to walk out of the bathroom. Ethan immediately grabbed my hand and we followed the manager down the steps.
"Alright, listen we know you are running an illegal trade of narcotics and weapons through your restaurant." I spoke once his door closed. He froze when he heard those words and looked directly at Ethan.
"Yes, we are but we didn't have a choice, this man you see he forced us to.. He had a weird accent, actually I might have a picture of him off the security tapes." He was surprisingly very helpful with the details and let us take a look at the tapes. It seemed easy, almost too easy but I let it go, I was only brought on to help Ethan with this, so I let Ethan run the mission as he saw fit.
"So is that all you needed? You're not going to sue me?" he asked as I was on my way out the door. Ethan was behind me and answered.
"No, you've given us the information we needed, it's alright, no suing." Ethan spoke. And with that we walked out of the restaurant. We were back on the street, walking to god knows where. Ethan pulled out his phone and tapped a couple things on there looking up the guy and seeing if he was on the IMF database and if he was if he had been picked up on any cameras recently. To our luck he had. We went to a building adjacent to where we knew he would be. It was a stake out, until we saw him it was late at night, this mission had taken the whole day, the sun had set and I still had no word from Brandt. Ethan led me up to the top of the building where we could get a clear shot to kill the leader in the illegal arms trading. However, as we reached the top I was not expecting what I saw. The rooftop was decorated with beautiful Christmas lights and there was some instrumental music playing in the background. I looked around and saw a little table with a white table cloth on it. Some wonderfully prepared food and a bottle of wine. I saw Brandt standing there beside it in a tux. I started walking over to him completely forgetting Ethan was there. Brandt walked to me as well.
"Kensi Rose O'Connell it's been a wonderful 2 years with you as a girlfriend. And another 5 just being your partner and friend. It's been absolute bliss. You're the most amazingly, astounding, wonderful women I've ever known. From our first mission together I knew I had to have you. From the moment I saw you on that stupid mission briefing system I knew it was you I'd eventually end up with, as I got to know you my feelings only strengthened. I know it sounds crazy and appalling but when you got shot I knew I couldn't live without your sunshine in my life. It had been hell living without you for almost a year not knowing if you were dead or alive. I needed you, I went through a low point in my life then, it only proved I needed you more. So with that being said, Kensi Rose O'Connell, will you marry me?" He finished down on his knee. I was utterly surprised, tears were threatening to fall from my eyes as he got out a box and opened it to reveal a beautiful .

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