Chapter 18

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Brandt POV
I had called in a favor to Ethans old friend Luther. I had him coming in on a helicopter today to speak with me about Ethan and Benji.
"Good to see you" I said as Luther had gotten out.
"What couldn't you tell me over the phone?" He sounded annoyed and I knew he didn't trust me.
"Chancellor of Austria was assassinated. We believe that Ethan and Benji were there. Hunley has handed it over to special activities devision. We need to find Ethan before they do, and that's where you come in."
"Not interested" he said putting his hat on about to walk away from me.
"Ok look Luther.." I was about to tell him about Kensi, he knew her pretty well. But he interrupted me before I could get words out.
"Look man, I know Ethan. I don't know you. All I know about you is that you chose to work for Hunley."
"Yeah, all I know about you is that you chose to resign." He laughed.
"Man, you don't have to worry about Ethan. They'll never catch him." I sighed.
"No, they're not going to catch him. This is the CIA, Hunley we are talking about, things are getting out of hand. No, they are going to kill him. They're going to kill Ethan, they're going to kill Benji. If Kensi is there probably her too. We have to get to them first, are you going to help me?"
"You need to understand something. Ethan & Kensi are my friends and if I have one second of doubt who's side you are on" he tilted his head.
"Got it." I said. He nodded and broke the silence that had surrounded us.
"What do I have to go on?" he asked me
"Not much" I said handing him the file I had, we both walked back to my car and hopped in as I drove us to the CIA.
We had decided to overlook the special operations team by sitting in a glass office above where they worked. I was watching them, they had facial recognition, drones, TSA, the whole shabang, our efforts seemed hopeless but we were the IMF, we could get this done.
"So how are we supposed to find Ethan and Benji when they are searching literally everything."
"I'm not even looking for them, I'm looking for her." Who's her?? Kensi or the woman in the pictures Ethan had sketched?
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Look at these photos, what do you see?" He pointed to Ethans sketches.
"The man, he [Ethan] doesn't really know who that is. But the woman, he knows her." I said.
"He trusts her. If he's not already with her he's on his way. Find her, find Ethan." He explained
"Tell me it's possible to pull facial recognition off these sketches."
"For mere mortals no, for me, I could've done this at home." I smiled, sighing a breath of relief. We could find Kensi, Ethan and Benji this way.
"How long will this take?"
"Found her. CCTV picked her up at the airport in Casablanca." I walked over to the computer we were using. I saw her picture on the security monitor and I saw myKensi with her. Oh god she had befriended her too.
"What the hell?" I asked when the screen showed that both of them had been disavowed. Shit. What had she gotten herself into?
"She's bad news." Luther said.
"What the hell is going on.." I asked no one in particular I just wanted to get all of them back in safely especially Kensi.

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