Chapter 17

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Kensi POV

I was helping Ilsa hold her breath by timing her as she went underwater in the pool.. We were training for the new mission which required us to hold our breath for at least 3 minutes. However, she could barely reach 2 minutes. I laughed a little as she kept trying, I knew we would never be able to do it, it seemed absolutely impossible. I sighed. I closed my eyes and started to balance my weight on this chair. I was beginning to become friends with the woman who shot me. That was defiantly not something I planned. I smiled to myself as I heard footsteps behind me, I turned to see both Ethan and Benji behind me. I jumped up from the chair and immediately ran to them engulfing Ethan in a huge hug. He pulled back and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Kens." Ethan said letting me go. Right as he let me go I hugged Benji.
"I missed you guys so much..." I told them.
"We missed you too, I know Brandt does especially." I froze hearing his name. I walked out on him, I felt terrible for it and I hadn't gotten over it yet. I let Benji go, as I did I heard Ilsa getting out of the pool. I quickly threw her a towel attempting to regain composure.

"Who's Brandt?" She asked. 

"No one!" I told her I didn't want him involved and especially getting hurt because of me. She gave me a strange look but let it go.

"Shall we?" She asked. We all followed her into the living area. I cleared my throat as we all sat down ready to brief everyone on the mission. However, Ethan had other plans, he wanted to know about Soloman Lane.
"His name is Soloman Lane, he created the Syndicate." Ilsa started to explain.
"Where does he come from?" Ethan questioned.
"He's former British Intelligence." I answered.
"Well if British Intelligence knows the Syndicate exists why don't they just tell the CIA?" Benji asked the million dollar question.
"Because they don't want the knowing that the Syndicate was created by one of their own." Ethan answered for me.
"I was sent undercover to earn Lanes trust and eventually identify the members of his organization. And for the first time in 2 years I'm close to knowing who they are... Lane had a ledger. It contained the identity of his operatives, his terrorist associates, the entire workings of the Syndicate. One of his agents stole it hoping to blackmail him. He kept it in a secure computer facility for safekeeping. He died being interrogated for the access code." Ilsa explained her part.
"It left Lane with a serious problem." I carried on for her.
"So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a computer waiting for someone to take it." Ethan seemed skeptical.
"So why hasn't Lane just sent someone to steal it?" Benji asked.
"Oh he has. He sent me. And I can tell you, it's impossible." I mentioned standing up.
"The facility is hidden underneath a local power plant with military guard and the only way to download the ledger, is the central computer terminal, located here." I pointed.
"To reach the terminal you will need to pass the main gate, access the elevator with fingerprint recognition, open three separate combination locks.." Ilsa said.
"Well that's easy we just need to impersonate the agent who stole the ledger in the first place. I get to wear a mask." Benji seemed amused.
"Unfortunately, if you could make it through every other security measure you wont beat the last one, because it's protected by gate analysis. A step beyond facial recognition. These cameras actually know how the agent walks, how he talks, how he moves. Right down to his facial ticks." I told him.
"So what you're saying is no mask can beat it. And I'll wind up in a Moroccan jail." Benji realized the problem.
"Okay I don't get to wear a mask." He seemed disappointed. 
"And there's no other way into the computer lab?" Ethan asked.
"Air shaft?" Ethan asked.
"Six inch diameter pipe."Ilsa said.
"Foundation?" Benji asked.
"12 feet of concrete top and bottom" I said.
"Electrical conduit?" They both asked.
"Bottom line is there's no other way into that terminal unless your profile is pre-installed in the security system." Ilsa explained.
"Profile. Where are the profiles stored?" Ethan asked, he was onto something, starting to figure it out.
"All security data is stored offline in this liquid cold array. Here, inside the Taurus.." Benji explained pointing at the screen where he pulled up diagrams.
"You mean that thing is underwater?" Ethan asked.
"Yes." We all answered him.
"Okay, so to get the ledger, one of us needs to enter the Taurus and change the security profile so that the other one can access the computer without pain? That's the only way?" Ethan asked finally putting the pieces together.
"That's the only way." I answered.
"Can I get in through there?" Ethan questioned pointing to a door inside the Taurus.
"That's the service hatch it can only be opened from the inside. If you try and open it from the outside you'll be hit with 70 thousand gallons of pressurized water." Ilsa answered.
"Where does the water come from?" Ethan asked.
"Sea water flows in through the intake implant. And before you ask the system is designed to shut off automatcally if any metal is in the intake." She explained.
"No oxygen tanks." Ethan said.
"Alright, well how long will it take to free swim to the service hatch??" Benji asked.
"2 minutes with the current at full power." I said.
"Well then you just have to hold your breath for 2 minutes." Benji said to Ethan.
"What about installing the security profile?" Ethan asked.
"That'll take about a minute tops." Benji said waving off his worries.
"So I have to hold my breath for 3 minutes." Ethan said annoyed at Benji.
"You can do that." Benji said.
"I think you're overlooking the physically exertion. The longer you hold your breath, the faster you consume oxygen." Ilsa said.
"Don't worry about him, alright? All he has to do is install the fake profile before I get to the gate analysis." Benji was speaking for Ethan, I smiled, it was pretty comical.
"You said it yourself, it's the only way. That doesn't sound impossible." Benji told Ilsa. I laughed a little looking at Ethan trying to hold in his protests. I got up and led Ethan to the kitchen.
"So do you think you can do it??" I asked.
"Of course I can Kensi. I just have to train a little harder than usual that's all." I smiled at him as I reached in the fridge to grab him a water.
"So, Kensi tell me, when are you going to talk about him? Or to him for that matter? And what is this about you infiltrating the Syndicate?" He immediately was questioning me.
"It's nothing Ethan and I'll talk to him when I'm ready. As for about him, what's wrong??" I asked now worried about him. He laughed.
"Nothing's wrong with him. And I'm actually not sure the last time I talked to him was when he told us we got shut down by the CIA.  So what made you decide to join the anti-IMF?" he asked changing the subject quickly.
"I'm going to kill Soloman Lane." I said to him looking him in the eyes.
"With or without your help."

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