Chapter 16

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Kensi POV
We rolled out of the car together. The pavement hurt but I got up quickly as I saw there was a car about to hit us, a ton of people hopped out. I just stood there and let Ilsa take the lead. The men immediately were on us. My arms were behind my back, I just let it happen I knew it would all be explained as Ilsa talked to her superior. We got into the car with the men and sped off. Luckily they decided not to blindfold me so I knew where I was and where I was going. We were in some sort of hotel somewhere. The men pushed us inside the room 87. Right there I recognized the man in the chair, he was the one who shot me. It took all I had in me not to charge and kill him right there. I kept my composure. Someone touched my shoulder and I took them out immediately lashing out, punching them in the stomach making them bend over in pain. I grabbed their arm and bent it back almost breaking it. Ilsa watched me with curious eyes, I knew she fought more discreetly, after all I had watched her for a while. The man in the chair looked at me too, obviously surprised at my presence and technique. I let go of the guy's arm and raised my arms in surrender. Ilsa started talking.
"Thought we had an agreement, you send me to do a job and I do it, but my way, not yours."
"Where did I deviate?" Lane asked.
"You put 2 more gunmen there tonight, one of them tried to kill me"
"You missed."
"I missed because Ethan Hunt was there looking for you."
"Ethan Hunt was in Vienna because you allowed him to escape in London."
"Then I would've killed him in London and that's not what you asked for."
"Twice now you've let him slip away... Curious."
"Are you questioning my loyalty or my ability?"
"Can't decide"
"I've told you before, trust me or kill me. But if you're going to kill me be a man." She threw a gun across the table to him. 
"Do it yourself" She made her point. He picked up the gun and pointed it at me my breathing wanted to change but I forced myself to stay calm and not to defend.
"Who is your friend Ilsa?"
"And what can she offer me?" he said looking at me the entire time, judging whether to kill me or not.
"She's a disavowed IMF agent." he smiled, he knew who I was, I had a flashback to when I was shot. His voice snapped me out of it.
"Wonderful." He moved the gun to her and shot. She flinched, he had shot the man who's arm I had almost broken. He got up and moved over to Ilsas side.
"Did he say anything?"
"He knows about Morocco."
"What does he know about Morocco?"
"He knows about the profile, he doesn't know whats in it."
"Find him please." he looked at me and smiled.
"He will find me, I've made sure of that." Ilsa said.
"Perfect." He said and walked out. Leaving us to decide what to do next.

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