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          ALTHOUGH CAMERON PROMISED to call Wilma after their first date, she didn't

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          ALTHOUGH CAMERON PROMISED to call Wilma after their first date, she didn't. The thought often crossed her mind however she shrugged it off like a fly sitting on her shoulder. With the can of truth having being opened days after, she used it as an excuse whenever Wilma questioned. The girl understood but knew there was another reason, she just never brought it up.

          On the other hand, she grew tired of being ignored and finally decided to confront Cameron. Right when the dark-skinned girl walked into the cafeteria one day, Wilma stood right in front of her with her arms crossed. "Can we talk?"

          "Uh, yeah, sure. Does it have to be right now? I'm really hungry," Cameron lied. Hesitation and worry drained the color from her face as she stared down at Wilma. She knew what the conversation would be about, making her want to exit the room as soon as possible.

          "That's bullshit. You don't eat at school," she snapped as she grabbed Cameron's wrist and dragged the girl out of the cafeteria.

          Being shoved outside the school entrance doors helped Cameron realize how aggravated Wilma actually was. She convinced herself that their date was only a dream that she wished never entered her mind throughout the night.

          "Be honest with me. Why have you been ignoring me?"

         "I just -" she stuttered as she ran her fingers through her curls. She sighed, giving up on trying to not only convince Wilma but herself that she was avoiding the girl at all costs. Uncomfortable, she kept her eyes on Wilma's nose as she explained. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you; I try to avoid confrontation as much as possible but it doesn't look like that's happening so I'll be blunt. I feel like we didn't click, there was no spark between us."

          Shocked, Wilma let her arms fall to her sides and glance down at the floor in disappointment. "Oh. I guess I understand, I can't really argue with you. I think the reason why I've been so persistent is that I've never met another lesbian who I was actually attracted to so when I found out you were gay, I clutched onto you. I'm sorry."

          "Don't be sorry. I've been going through some things and I was taking it out on you. My stuff with you was easy to avoid, no offense."

          "None taken," Wilma chuckled, "so, is there a reason why we didn't click or was it just a feeling?"

          "I kinda have feelings for someone else."

          "Ooh, how fun. Are you gonna tell me who it is? Is it a straight girl?"

          "Nope and I don't know yet. I've been trying to figure it out without straight up asking."

          "When it comes to being gay in a homophobic town like this with very very few out people, you have to ask or else you'll never know. Maybe throw hints to what you want to ask, like mention Kristen Stewart or something, see what she says. If she says she's a really good actress then she likes girls. Boom, you got your answer."

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