Your Worst Nightmare

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"Who are you?" Kuroko said, standing up quickly. Robin had gotten out his bo-staff, and Mikoto was crackling with electricity.

"You worst nightmare." The man said darkly.

"Very orginal." Robin said sarcasticly.

"You can call me...." Worst Nightmare said slowly. "WN, if that's your taste."

"It's not." he replied.

"What do you want with Misaka?" Konori asked.

"it's simple." Worst Nightmare said. "We need her."

"Because....?" Kuroko asked.

Uiharu, who was by her computer with headphones on, hadn't heard the ruckus. But she had noticed something else.

"Accelerator and Mental Out have been captured!'" she said with wide eyes. "And Dark Matter's went crazy like Mugino!" she looked behind her to see everyone in battle positions- Worst Nightmare included - staring at her.

Slowly, Uiharu turned back around, and read the article.

Sparks flew from Mikoto's bangs. That's just great. she thought. When Accelerator gets out, barely anyone can stop him!

"Now," Worst Nightmare said with a grinch-like smile on his face. "The fun."

His hands shot forward, and his arms morphed into iron. He ran forward, about to swing it at Mikoto.

Before he could, Robin ran forward and blocked his blow with his bo-staff. Worst Nightmare scowled, and brought back his arm, before swinging it down at the Boy Wonder.

Robin swung his staff in it's direction and stopped it in midair. In a split second, the two looked like they were in an old fashioned sword fight.

A powerful bolt of electricity from Mikoto flew at Worst Nightmare, Robin leaping back to dodge it.

Before it could hit it's target, however, Worst Nightmare's entire body morphed into pure alumium. As the bolt hit him, he laughed.

"It tickles!" he cried, before running forward and, with his metal leg, kicked Mikoto right in the stomach.

The air left Mikoto's lungs as she flew back a few feet. She groaned as she stood up.

Kuroko teleported above Worst Nightmare and drop-kicked his head. Worst Nightmare scowled and grabbed her foot, but before he could do anything, the Level 4 teleported out of his grasp.

Robin threw an explosive baterang at Worst Nightmare,, and pushed a button. And the baterang, well, exploded.

When the smoke cleared, however, Worst Nightmare was standing in his same spot with a smirk. His body was now composed of stainless steel.

Kuroko reached to her leg strap and brought out six white pins. She teleported them into his arm, and Worst Nightmare howled in pain.

That's how you beat him. the teleporter thought. She reached into her brief case and brought out another strap of the pins. She teleported more of them into his right leg, and again Worst Nightmare gave a scream of pain before collasping.

Worst Nightmare's ody slowly turned back into flesh. Mikoto walked up to him with a smirk and rested a finger on his shoulder.

A powerful blast of electricty flowed from her finger to his flesh, and after he jerked, Worst Nightmare collasped, charred and unconscious.

Saten ran out from where she add been standing and smiled brightly at Robin.

"Wow!" she said brightly. "You saved us!"

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book One; Start of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now