"Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three." Carlos says, what? What game? I really need to stop zoning out of these conversations,

"Do we know where that is?" Crap I zoned out again, where what is?

"2.3 miles from here." Carlos says, holding up a laptop, what's 2.3 miles from here?

"Come on." Mal says and she runs out of the room, followed closely by Jay and Evie, I watch them go and look to Carlos, who has continued playing his game, he's no help.

"Carlos! Viviana!" Mal shouts.

"Coming!" Carlos shouts, grabbing his leather jacket and running out the door, gee thanks for waiting, I walk out the door after him and see him sprinting down the corridor, there is no chance in hell I'm running, they'll just have to wait.

We all arrive at a museum after a half hour of walking, not running, I refuse to run.

"Check your mirror." Mal says,

"Is my mascara smudged?" Evie gasps, the eye roll makes a comeback and I stare at her.

"Yeah Evie, your waterproof mascara is running," I say sarcastically, Evie goes bright red and looks away from the mirror.

"Hey Evie, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand?" Mal comments.

"Sure. This way." Evie says breathlessly while leading the rest of us towards an entrance to the museum. We arrive at the doors and all crouch down to avoid being spotted by the security guard, seriously? A security guard, what the hell could he possibly do all night, this is Auradon, there apparently isn't a bad bone in anyone's body, it's not like anything would happen, the security guard is really unnecessary. We look around the room that is in our view and see Maleficents Spinning Wheel in the centre of the room.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay laughs.

"It's kinda dorky." Carlos laughs, wow, bravest thing I've ever heard him say, especially to Mal and especially about Maleficent, he wouldn't have even dreamed about saying that if he'd have known Maleficent was listening.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal defends but even she sounds uncertain, she flicks through the spellbook until she finds what she was looking for. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." she recites, hoping to send the security guard into a deep sleep.

"Impressive." Jay says sarcastically,

"I got chills." Carlos jokes, wow twice in one day, who's he trying to impress?

"Okay, you know what!" Mal says, getting annoyed with the boys remarks, she recites the next spell "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." We all watch as the security guard stands up, as if in a trance and pricks his finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel, he gasps and yawns loudly before lying down next to the wheel and falling instantly asleep, I think I looked quite weird, almost pathetic but whatever, either way he's asleep. "Not so dorky now, huh?" Mal gloats, I roll my eyes, so you used a bit of magic that your mother used, big deal, it's Auradon, I bet loads of people could do it if they wanted too, not that they would, they're all so perfect.

"Stand back." Jay smirks, he walks back a few steps, I see Mal looking through the book again.

"Mal, open it before he does, it'll be funny," I whisper to her, she nods.

"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." the door flies open and Jay flies through it a second later, we all laugh before making our way past the sleeping beau- uh, guard and through to the rest of the museum. We follow Evie until we reach a room in which not one of us would come willingly, the Gallery of Villains.

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