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28th October 2018 - FLASHBACK

A normal Wednesday. Normal one for all but not for me. 3.50pm it is. I don't know whether i should do this, i really have no idea. My girlfriends always say. One should try everything at the right time, live life like a skybird. Flock together but when life knocks your door, learn to fly alone. But why my heartbeat is beating arrhythmically? Why my left eye is twitching? Is it a sign that something unfortunate going to take place? Neahh I don't think so. I have read in an article by Readers Digest, that it's all about your coffee and sleep. Anyways, why should i fear? I own a business firm and at least 270 manpowers are working under me. Ahhh, fuck the paperworks and formalities. Let's have a ball!

Stay tuned for the beginning of a new journey!

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