Chapter 19.

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“Jashin...”Hidan finally managed to whisper, still unable to move from the spot, the water that dripped down his body forgotten for the moment.

Smirking, Tsukai let him be for a while, knowing it had to be a big shock to see a full on shrine to Jashin in a place like this—a place in the middle of nowhere. Not to mention, it was probably one of the most important shrines to Jashin, too; the hum of power that radiated through the air was proof of that. Gazing over at him as he ran his fingers over the beads on his pendant, Tsukai became lost in thought. What Hidan had said to her earlier now flashed back into her attention, and wouldn’t go away. She had always accepted that this was where she was going to be living out the rest of her life, no changes, no exceptions. Never in a million years had she thought she would find someone like Hidan; who she would connect with so much and who would offer to take her back with him.

It was at this that she really began to study him, absentmindedly smiling as she did so. He was handsome; Tsukai wasn’t going to deny it. With his slicked back hair, the regularity of his swearing, the cocky smirk that most often occupied his face and the glint in his eye marked him with all the features that would come with a complete douchebag. Yes, even Tsukai would admit he could be obnoxious at times. But there was a sweetness within him that overrode all that—that allowed you to look past it and see he wasn’t really like that at all.

Seeing how he was with Jashinism was another.

He had such blind faith in Jashin, and Tsukai loved that fact. It gave him his motivation, his confidence, and so much more. The glint in his eye that flared up when he began to talk about Jashin was one of such pride and happiness just caught her every time she saw it. The swearing didn’t bother her; she did it in the same amount he did, and it made her giggle when he used it so much. True, Jashinism did take up a lot of his life, but even with that he had added his own uniqueness to it, and his general personality was one Tsukai found it so easy to connect with and get along with well. She felt like she could talk to him about anything, and had never been more grateful for anything in her life now she had him around. Plus—as her eyes ran over him once again—he did have the perfect body, all abs and generally muscled; especially now he was wet and it was all running down his chest...

Blinking as he abruptly glanced over at her, she tried to shake it off. So he was hot? She had known that from the start, and she had never been one to focus on appearances. If they were a nice person, she’d be friends with them, regardless of whether or not they were as handsome as some. And sure, she got along with Hidan well, but she was really good friends with him; a friend like she had never had before.

Wasn’t he?

As he flashed another of his smiles at her, sending a shiver up her spine, she was beginning to think otherwise.

But now she smiled back at him, gesturing for him to follow as she walked forward and over to the shrine. Doing so a little hesitatingly, Tsukai smiled, shaking her head at his suddenly unsure and shy attitude now he was had found this shrine and was approaching it. Normally she might have rolled her eyes, but knowing how much this meant to him, she said softly,

“Hidan, you don’t have anything to fucking worry about, okay. He’s your fucking god, so why do you have reason to worry?”

Trying to accept her words, Hidan forced any idea of hesitation out of his mind and stepped forward, and followed Tsukai’s instructions as she told him what to do. So kneeling down, he murmured the words she had spoken, gently pressing the Jashin symbol into the engraving on the stone, grinning as the runes fully burst into life now, glowing much brighter. She stood facing the back wall, telling him a little more on the history of the shrine, how she had come to find at and information in general on all that was written on the stone and the walls around it. Hidan listened intently, having never thought he’d find a place like this. He could feel the power running through his veins, feel it in the air and in the water. It had to be, without doubt, the most amazing place he’d ever been to.

Then as Tsukai finished her ‘lesson’, as it were, Hidan found he could do nothing but stare at her. She had taught him so much over the last few days, helped him out in a way that no one else but her could have been able to. She had shown him things that were so amazing and special; not only in general but to him, too. Sure, she was bat shit insane, he knew that without a doubt, but several people—including Kakuzu—had said the same thing about him. He connected with her in a way he didn’t truly understand, and when she had mentioned how the villagers treated she didn’t fit in when she had all that power; when she was so sweet, and funny, and intelligent; and beautiful.

He’d known that right from the beginning, but it seemed so much more evident now. She was so connected to all that was around her, whether it be the earth, the trees, the water or the air. The shrine felt her presence and power, and Hidan understood it was something she was connected with too. It was because of this that her eyes shined so brightly; it was why there was a visible sheen to her skin when he ate those plants; why her inner core and the veins of light shone so much more intensely than his had done; than anyone’s could do. Her face was perfect in every sense possible, and Jashin damn did her body reflect that ;) with all that had happened, he wanted her with him, no matter what. He didn’t need to think things through to know that.

That feeling still not faded as she remembered something, taking him over to the side and stating a few more words, cutting her thumb and wiping the blood in a few runes over the wall. A grinding sound appeared a moment later, a hole in the wall suddenly being revealed, and reaching inside, she took out several pieces of metal, to which Hidan raised an eyebrow at, not having a clue what they were or what they were for.

And it was now that Tsukai rolled her eyes.

Showing them what they were for, she placed them on his body; one that went round the back and sides of his neck, leaving the front open, with others doing the same to his wrists, ankles, shoulders and hips.  With one word, they glowed slightly before the light faded, and now he could use them in connection with his rituals. It would effectively stop him from being decapitated or being blown apart, as his chakra embedded in them would draw his body parts back together, while still leaving him open for injuries to take place.

But taking them off for now, Hidan thanked Tsukai yet again, the feeling that had surfaced in him before coming back even stronger this time, and turning away for a moment, he bit his lip, everything starting to make sense. Unsure as to how to begin, he eventually questioned casually,

“So what’s your deal with relationships, then?”

Blinking in surprise, Tsukai froze, glancing over at him with her heart beating incredibly fast as she replied in confusion,


“You know, because I’m a Jashinist, I have to pick one girl; she has to do an immortality jutsu and we have to stay together for...well, forever, seriously. But...with your connection the gods and you have to do anything?” Hidan continued, swallowing as he tried to remain as nonchalant as possible. Looking away to hide her blush, Tsukai shrugged but answered as calmly as she could,

“I have to mate for life, too.”

Drawn into silence at this, neither of them could move as they thought it all over, Tsukai managing to build up her confidence enough to ask quietly,

“Why? You’ve picked someone already?”

Treading softly towards her, Hidan stopped a few paces away, and smiling fully, knowing the truth; knowing how he felt, he shrugged, though she couldn’t see it, and stated simply,

“I picked a fucking while ago. From the moment I first fucking met her, seriously.”

Turning round to see him standing so close, Tsukai bit her lip, almost disbelieving at his words. But as he decreased the distance between them both, she grinned in happiness, wrapping her arms around his neck as he placed his lips on hers. Pressing up against each other, they began to explore, with their hands as well as their tongues, their clothes slowly falling off as Hidan gently lowered her to the ground, having never imagined he would feel this loving while having sex. The fact that they were on bare ground meant nothing to them; that they had nothing to cover them up with afterwards or where they were in general.

It was mating for life.

What did it matter?

Being With You Has Given Sacrifice A Whole New Meaning (Hidan Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang