Chapter 15.

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The teaching merely continued from there. Tsukai used her chakra to give Hidan a much lessened version of the effect that the leaves had given him the first night, allowing him to see the power that pulsed through everything, and to truly understand what was around him. It took some getting used to; there were several times he’d snap his gaze round, thinking there was something there, only to realise it was merely the veins and glow of light that came from the effect. She showed him the very source of his chakra—the potential to create jutsus and the like, and where his immortality drew its power from.

He learned the meanings of the runes, how to write them and how to speak the ancient language. He learnt how to hunt with the ways of the forest, and not just the way he had done before. It was difficult, true; but he wanted it and was willing to try—which was more than he could say for some other things in his life. He was learning a whole new language, and the natural speech and mouth movements, along with the rules for writing it that had been imprinted on his brain for as long as he could remember kept trying to interfere. It took Hidan a while to realise he had to leave everything behind for the moment.

At one point Tsukai had been sitting, meditative style in front of him, saying a few words slowly and telling him to repeat. Doing so, she shook her head as he did it wrong, and growling in irritation at the smirk that almost flickered onto her face, Hidan screamed in frustration and spat,

“Yeah, well why don’t you fucking try it? It’s harder—”

“I fucking did, Hidan. I learnt the ancient language first—it’s my native tongue. But I had to learn more, just like you. Though, I grant you, it is more difficult for you, considering you not only have the language but the way to hunt as well. Just be glad you don’t have to fucking learn the customs and ways of the people.”

Sighing at that point, she had taken a deep breath and thought carefully, before trying, quieter and more sweeter this time,

“Let me put it this way. Let go of all the preconceptions you’ve got in your head—push it all aside. Don’t concentrate on anything but the now and what’s going on around you here and now. Just me, and what I’m telling you. Nothing else matters.”

Grinning at that idea, Hidan took another look at her and accepted that idea easily, getting it right the next time she tried to get him to speak it. It came a little easier after that. But like Tsukai had said... It was just her being his focal point for the time being. He could deal with that. Why would he need to protest?

Sometimes it felt like he was being taught everything again, like a kid just joining the ninja academy, but the knowledge he already had in his head about the ninja arts made it his favourite part about the whole learning experience. He knew he’d never be as good as Tsukai—it was as natural as breathing for her. There were several times, even when she had said he was progressing well, that she appeared out of nowhere when he had been trying to use his abilities to search for her. He may not have been much of a genius in languages, but with the new level of hunting and the ancient was something he knew he was born to do.

It almost seemed familiar, like knowledge he’d been told when very young; and although he had grown up and it had been pushed away, in a way that seemed like it had been forgotten, it was coming back to the surface. Like a muscle reflex that instantly happened, even when you weren’t thinking of it. He learnt to make a mental connection with Daichi that would allow him to use weapons without having to worry about it, and it got even better when she began to talk him through the process of using power that was apart from the flow of chakra completely. The energy that flowed through every living thing and made a connection between the worlds and everything else. It was never fully clear to him...but he knew it made sense deeper down. Like he had understood from the very beginning.

“So? Can I do it now?” Hidan called over to her, peeking with one eye to find Tsukai’s own still closed gently, meditating with runes that glowed down her chest like always, the sheen rippling as she touched on her own power. When she didn’t reply for a couple of seconds, he closed his eye again, taking another breath like he had been taught. At which point she responded softly,

“Not yet Hidan. A couple of days, and then I’ll teach you.”

“You promise?”

“I promise, you big ass.”

Grinning, he opened both eyes at the idea of being able to finally use that kind of power—a power that would make a Jashin ritual even better than normal. Tsukai hadn’t let him use any of his new found abilities in a Jashin ritual yet. He needed to fully be one with the power before that occurred. Much to his chagrin. But with this knowledge he let it go, happy it would be happening soon, and he would be one step closer.

All thanks to Tsukai.

It was at this his concentration was broken, and staring at her as she sat peacefully, he found himself smiling absentmindedly, only to realise what he was doing as she shifted slightly and looked away, and yet still unable to stop himself from peeking once again at her tranquil form. He didn’t have a clue as to how he would repay her when she’d given up her free time to do so. But he was starting to think it was almost a relief to have a change in routine. The villagers didn’t seem to be overly friendly, and no one was around in the temple. It had to be hard not having anyone to truly talk to and get to know. If he could take her back...

But would she?

Every day he felt himself get more and more connected to the forest. Before it had just been a place he lived in. That he walked through and maybe rested in for a while. Noticed animals, plants and different places, whether it be waterfalls or withered trees. But now it meant more, and he couldn’t wait to do more. The language came quicker to him now—just repetition and it stuck in his head and he could say it, and say it well. Sometimes it was all she could do to slam a palm onto her forehead in frustration—he could be a real retard. But then something would change. Tsukai would look at him and know he would get some point. He had an instinct about it that she wouldn’t have been able to teach him.

He was an interesting student.

And something more than that.

A something she had never experienced...and wasn’t even sure she truly understood.

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