Chapter 9.

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Grinning over at him, she shook her head at the enthusiasm in his answer, loving that fact, and Tsukai gestured to the rest of the fruit lying on the floor, telling him to eat up before getting some rest. Smirking at his instant protest, wanting to get started straight away and visit the temple and do all these different things, Tsukai simply rolled her eyes, flicked his chin, and grabbed the nearest piece of fruit, answering him simply,

“I think it’s best to have a completely clear and fresh mind when visiting the temple. Trust me on this.”

Grumbling at her words, he snatched the fruit she offered him and shovelled some into his mouth, going into a sulk like a little kid. And although he remained grumpy for a while afterwards, he couldn’t keep silent for long, and eventually resurfaced, beginning to ask questions about the temple and what it was like. Walking over to a slight dent in the surface of a rock nearby, Tsukai grabbed something that had been laying in it, and chucking one over to Hidan he found it was a blanket made out of fur. Smirking at it, he laid down and put the blanket on over the top of him, smiling fully as he felt incredibly comfortable all of a sudden, a yawn hitting him as he did so.

Watching Tsukai do the same thing, he looked her over lazily, not bothering to dismiss the thought that she was really cute when she did that and when she was sleepy. Resting her head against the ground, he saw she was ready to sleep straight away, though paused as she noticed Hidan watching her. Asking what it was he wanted, he shrugged with another yawn, before asking how exactly she knew the temple so well and everything. Tsukai snuggled into the blanket, wondering how to word it, before stating simply,

“Well, I guess, when it comes down to it...I’m the guardian of the temple.”

Closing her eyes with that finishing statement, she began to go to sleep, leaving Hidan sitting there in utter shock, the tiredness gone for a moment. He’d thought that she was connected to the temple, and connected to it well, but to be the was pretty unexpected. Not that it was a bad thing; he was suddenly filled with a childish excitement that made him feel like a kid at Christmas, not wanting to sleep because of the presents in the morning. But the moment that thought crossed his mind, Tsukai opened one lazy eye to look up at him, catching Hidan in her gaze.

Abruptly Hidan felt comfortable again; really comfortable. He felt himself nestling into the blanket, though his stare wasn’t drawn from Tsukai. Her eye was so bright and beautiful...everything about her was, and he couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Everything around him seemed to sparkle and glow, exhaustion suddenly taking over him. He was still awake, albeit incredibly lethargic, as she whispered,

“Hidan...go to sleep, baby.”

Her voice was so compelling and alluring, with golden light shining all around her, like she was a goddess.

He slept.

The next morning he awoke yawning, but feeling completely and utterly rested. Whatever it was, whether the drugs, fruit or disgusting herbal had done the trick, and he felt amazing. The wounds on his chest were gone, and he had a whole new day to look forward to visiting the temple with Tsukai. Glancing over at the place where she had been sleeping, he blinked in surprise to see she had gone, and sitting up abruptly, Hidan narrowed his eyes at what reason she might have had to go. Then suddenly realising he could smell something, he sniffed a couple of times and turned round, seeing Tsukai sitting crouched by the fire, cooking eggs on a slab of rock, along with some other plant that he’d never seen before.

Noticing him move, she turned round and flashed a grin, stating he had good timing considering the food was just about ready. Smiling back at her, he pushed the blanket off and went over, joining her on the floor to stare uncertainly at the plant that was also cooking. Spotting the direction of his gaze, Tsukai called out to ask him what it was that was affecting him, to which he simply replied,

“You just like taking my out of my comfort zone. I really don’t like vegetables and shit.”

Laughing, she shrugged at his words and turned the plant over, still grinning as she turned back and said,

“Yeah, I pretty much guessed you were a carnivore type of guy. But I don’t particularly favour the green stuff either. The only stuff I really tolerate—maybe even like—is stuff that gives the effects like the one last night. But...this plant’s different.”

Raising an eyebrow sceptically, Hidan crossed his arms and didn’t appear to be impressed by her statement. Plants, vegetables...that’s what they were. They weren’t like meat; they tasted the same, and even with the exception of the plant last night, he was pretty sure this one was like the rest. He’d just stick with the eggs, thanks. But Tsukai remained adamant that he taste some, and though he protested and protested, he eventually did so (though it took her pinning him down and almost force feeding him to get to do it).

Glaring at her as he put some into his mouth, he began to chew quickly, hoping to swallow it as soon as possible, with Tsukai sitting close by, her eyes on him intensely with a small smirk on her face. This smirk blossomed into a full on grin as Hidan’s chewing grew slower, his eyes widening at the taste of the plant in his mouth. It didn’t even feel like a plant; it felt...almost like...

“It tastes like meat!”

“Uh-huh. Told you it was different!”

Shovelling the rest of the plant into his mouth, this time savouring the taste, Tsukai chuckled over at him as they finished their breakfast, before clearing up the fireplace and standing, ready to head on to the temple. Hidan was already getting excited about going, absentmindedly and subconsciously tapping his fingers on his legs, keeping his gaze unblinkingly on Tsukai until she gave the word and led him away. But just when he thought she was going to do it, and he could unleash all this excitement into running to the temple, Tsukai paused and went over to a small tree on the edge of the clearing, crouching down in front of it.

Narrowing his eyes, Hidan asked what exactly it was she was doing.

“You know you felt like this place had a higher power, right? Yeah, well, now I need to thank the gods for allowing us to stay here.”

Nodding along with that, he said he had no problem with that, and let her be as she cut her palm, murmuring words as she drew a symbol on the tree. Drawn in by the words, knowing them to be of another language—most likely the language of the temple—Hidan span around to look over the clearing, remembering the whole drug idea, and felt the power again. It seemed sensible to assume that she needed to thank the gods after staying in an area sacred to them. Of course, Tsukai was connected to this power, anyway, so she would ultimately know if something needed to be done.

Maybe that was why her eyes glowed so brightly. Maybe...because she was the guardian of the temple, it allowed her body to access the power. Maybe it was there naturally, and she had unimaginable power; he didn’t know. But with the fact he was about to go and visit the temple; he couldn’t wait to find out. So turning round with a smile, he began to ask Tsukai a question, only to freeze in shock and instantly reach for his scythe.

There was a wolf approaching her from the back. 

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