Chapter 4.

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With her show over, the girl disappeared as rapidly as she had arrived, and quickly taking the hint, Hidan soon followed, eventually stopping a little way out of the village. Sighing at first, at the fact he was in exactly the same position he was last time, he couldn’t help but forget about that as his thoughts passed across the girl again. Everything she had done had just been so...crazy. Even helping him in the first place when everyone was against it, and when the leader of the village himself disagreed with it! But it was that spark that he found so amazing. Remembering the utterly relaxed way she took out all the guards Hidan laughed gently to himself, though it petered out with a sigh at the fact seeing her again was a unlikely situation. She had had people after her; just like he had. So staying away from everyone was a good bet.

Him included.

Only now he had absolutely nowhere to go. Before he had been looking for civilisation, and in a forest like that, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But he had found it anyway, by sheer luck and a blessing from Jashin. A blessing which was instantly lost a moment later, leaving him alone and still needing shelter and food, and with all circumstances taken into account, it was now like looking for a contact lens in the middle of the ocean. He had absolutely nothing, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he could have actually met the girl. Thanked her for what she’d done. Sure, she was an outcast at the moment, but it would be something they shared.

But she wasn’t around anymore.

So he was alone again.


Hidan was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the person walking around a few metres away from him. At first, they didn’t notice him, either, until Hidan came closer. Not seeing that he was there, he didn’t bother to keep quiet, and so they instantly saw and advanced towards him. Only when a sudden sense of someone there flicked into Hidan’s head did he look up and see their face before a kunai was rammed into his chest. Wincing in pain, he watched as the guy smirked, for it to suddenly disappear as Hidan remained standing and now looking pretty pissed off, to glare back at him and spit,

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Widening his eyes in surprise, his assailant had no idea what to do in the current situation, having never come across an immortal before, and Hidan took that as his chance, unsheathing his scythe and getting the blood he needed. Hey, if he wasn’t about to get back to the Akatsuki any time soon, he might as well appease Jashin. But it wasn’t until he’d finished the ritual, removing the stake and standing up, that he noticed something was wrong. All the colours of the forest seemed to be blending into one and shining, and his head was spinning. Looking down at the wound the man had made, his body looking and feeling strange as he did so, and narrowing his eyes at it he scowled, guessing it had been some kind of poison. Though it probably wouldn’t kill him, the effects would still be there.

Something which was ever more evident as Hidan’s legs suddenly gave way beneath him.

After a few moments of silence, noises came back to him, and tree tops above span constantly like a vortex, only to suddenly stop and for a huge wave of throbbing pain to hit him. Groaning in acceptance of this pain, his head tilted slightly as a body was sitting next to his own. Upon his groaning, however, they turned round, and Hidan couldn’t help but stop in acknowledging anything that was going on with his body as he saw it was the girl. Wishing he could smile but with the pain and shock only managing a twitch, she took the initiative for him and with a smile of her own greeted,

“We meet again, I see. Here, drink this.”

Handing him a cup, he looked down at it to see a deep red fluid, and wondering what it was, he shrugged his uncertainties off if it was something that would get rid of the pain and began drinking it, only to pull away a couple of seconds later and ask what it was. Taking one last sip afterwards, he kept doing so almost as if it was familiar. Glancing away for a second before looking back, she shrugged, as if it was nothing, but then said bluntly, getting straight to the point,

“My blood.”

Immediately spluttering it out, Hidan couldn’t speak for a minute, trying to comprehend what he’d just done. He was torn between the fact that although he ingested blood, it was only a little bit at a time, not a cupful, and the fact he was a Jashinist and drinking it would mean he could start a ritual. Killing her had not been on his list from the beginning, and so looking at her in complete disbelief, he did the only thing he could think of and blurted out,


Rolling her eyes, she came forward and pinned his arms down, holding his nose and tipping the rest down his throat. Trying to turn his head away or struggle, he found he didn’t have the energy to do so, though luckily enough she pulled away a second later. Wiping his mouth to get rid of it all, he swallowed reluctantly, still not sure what to do or say now that he’d just drunk a cup of her blood. But eventually he managed to close his eyes and take a deep breath to calm down, and finally respond, as calmly as he could,

“You’re insane! Why the hell did you make me drink your fucking blood?!”

“Because now we’re connected forever.” She instantly replied back, batting her eyelashes with an innocent smile on her face.

His mouth dropping open in shock, Hidan tried starting sentences, only this time found he couldn’t come up with anything, his ability to speak or even think about her words gone completely from his head. He should have known there had to be a catch in there somewhere, and he began to wonder what exactly he’d gotten himself in for, and why exactly this girl, who he’d thought was amazing before, had suddenly changed into some kind of freak. He sat in shock for quite a few minutes, until suddenly she burst out laughing. Waiting until she’d finished and while she wiped her eyes afterwards, she finally sighed and responded to his obvious shock,

“Seriously, I’m joking. What kind of freak do you fucking think I am? Damn! But anyway; that poison he stabbed you with, it’s native to this place. Seeing as I’m from around here and the poison is made out of herbs that I’ve eaten since I was a kid, I’m more immune to it, hence my blood to make you more immune to it. Get it?”

Slowly nodding to her explanation, he shook off the creepiness of what she’d said before, the idea of that still in his head slightly, and found himself smiling and glaring at the same time. Not wanting to say anything else for the moment, knowing he appeared to be utterly stupid at standing in the town with everyone getting on at him, and then getting poisoned the moment he left, he sat in silence, just trying to take everything in after the attack and the town visit. Of all the people it had been expecting, it hadn’t been her. It hadn’t been anyone.

Watching for a while as she watched him get used to the whole situation and explanation for what she’d done, she hoped he wouldn’t be that freaked out. Wishing slightly she could take back the little joke, having not meant to scare him so much, she eventually came up with another friendly smile, and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, making him look over, she said sweetly,

“You think you got all that, or do you need a little more time?”

Being With You Has Given Sacrifice A Whole New Meaning (Hidan Story)Where stories live. Discover now