Chapter 10.

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It advanced slowly; carefully, acting like it was about to lunge and attack. Why a wolf was attacking a human, and singling Tsukai out, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he wasn’t about to let her get hurt. But as quickly as he advanced, the wolf reached Tsukai first, and crying out her name, he watched as she span round, took in the wolf and dodged. Sighing in gratitude, Hidan’s features then returned to a frown as she grinned and approached, darting round the wolf like she was softly mocking him. She paused only for a moment before beginning to speak in the strange, beautiful language that came with the temple, something that he immediately hesitated at.

For the moment, at least, this was something he was excluded from.

But then realising she was mocking a wolf, and they were weaving around each other with the wolf snapping at her heels, he called out a halt and asked simply,

“What the fuck is going on here?”

Abruptly remembering he hadn’t seen anything like it before, Tsukai rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, and as the wolf came to sit beside her she shrugged and replied,

“Well, the language is used by animals—well some of them—and it ultimately allows me to talk with them. Wolves are my summoning animals, as well as the kind I am connected to, so...I’m friends with them. A kind of half-member of the pack.”

Growling and yipping over at her, she spoke back, pushing it softly and grinning at that fact. Jerking her head over towards Hidan, she said a couple of words, which he took to be a command to go say hi. Though the wolf paused for a moment, cocking its head as it looked him over, he soon bounded towards him, jumping up to forcefully push its paws up against his chest, looking into his eyes, almost searching them for something. Grabbing onto its legs to stop himself from falling over, Hidan gave it look for look, narrowing his eyes as it bared its teeth, only to pause as he realised it almost seemed like he was smiling at him.

Then finally his tail wagged a little to join his smile, and backing off, he made a few growls over at him, looking between the two, Hidan frowning slightly and wishing he could understand. Tsukai knew he would be okay with Hidan; it was a kind of intrigue she herself had shared when she first met him. He might not know he was a Jashinist—that was up to the elder wolves—but through Jashin he was more connected to the temple, and therefore connected to the forest itself. Then a glint appeared in his eye, and she warned,

“Daichi, I know that look in your eye. What idea have you come up with now?”

But although still grinning, Daichi went slightly more innocent, and responded in outrage,

“Not all my ideas are bad. I just think you should introduce him to Kage.”

Blinking in surprise, having not really thought of that idea, Tsukai paused to ponder it. Kage was the alpha male, and pretty much the silent ruler of the forest. She had no doubt Hidan would be fine with him and the rest of the wolves, but she was helping him get back to the people he worked for—where he had started out. Looking around the temple wouldn’t need Kage’s approval. And still a little confused, she questioned out loud why she would need to do so, only to blink once again in surprise as he responded,

“Well, he’s important to you. Kage needs to be introduced to someone who’s significant in your life!”

Hidan could only watch as Tsukai suddenly blushed furiously and glanced up and him and then away, soon spitting a few comments, rubbing her head in embarrassment at whatever Daichi had just said, almost worried he could understand his comments. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Hidan shrugged and left it at that. If she wanted to tell him what he’d said, she’d tell him. If didn’t matter. She was doing enough already. So when he was about to suggest heading on to the temple, he was a little taken aback when Tsukai abruptly questioned softly,

“Uhh....Hidan—would you like to meet his dad? He’s my summoning animal and kind of...the king of the forest, in a way.”

And strangely enough, as much as he wanted to visit the temple, the idea of meeting this brought up a sudden urge to meet him. He didn’t know what he was like or why exactly he wanted to meet him, but all he knew was that he did. So shrugging and nodding, he agreed to come along and meet him, being told the wolf’s name, before he was once again amazed as Tsukai said something, and closing his eyes, Daichi flickered with light, only to grow to his height. Confused but grinning, he murmured a compliment, Tsukai explaining simply,

“This forest is really affected by the temple’s power. And means a lot of the animals are bigger than normal.”

Laughing and throwing his hands up in exasperation, he gave up. With all the strangeness going on around him, having bigger than normal animals walking around wasn’t going to faze him. Stating that they should head off then, Hidan began to walk past the wolf in the direction they were facing, when he was abruptly lifted off the ground, the next thing he knew being sitting on top of Daichi. Rolling her eyes, Tsukai deftly joined him, placing herself in between his legs, saying teasingly over her shoulder,

“Come on, Hidan. Don’t you think wolf back is a little faster than walking?”

Responding with a poke in her side, he pointed out that he didn’t know you were allowed to ride them. Apologising for the jibe at his protestations, she told him a few rules for first timers; hold tight, hands and especially legs, don’t lean too far over on either side, and don’t get panicky and jump around all over the place—the last one receiving a snort of sarcasm from Hidan in return. Laughing at that, Tsukai added he could hold onto her or Daichi’s fur, Hidan quickly opting for his fur. Sure, they were friends, know.

Of course, that all changed as Daichi suddenly jolted forwards, his strong, powerful legs pushing him along at lightning speed. Instantly almost falling off, he grabbed the only thing available; Tsukai’s waist, and didn’t notice as both arms wrapped fully around her. The only thing he was looking at was how quickly the world sped by as he sat there. Tsukai glanced over her shoulder to see his grin, asking sarcastically if he was enjoying it—Hidan simply laughing in reply. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like for Daichi; four legs and muscular ones at that, with an agility and speed that would be hard to match. He was a wolf so he knew the forest, and must feel connected every time he ran like this.

Speeding up in a way to show off, Hidan couldn’t wait to see the temple and learn the language both Tsukai and Daichi spoke. Maybe then he’d be able to feel and use the abilities granted to them. Using them in tow with his Jashinism would be the most amazing feeling ever. There was only one thing that was strange to him; why she had decided to bring him here. Like she had said, they were her summoning animals, and yet she was taking him to where they lived. This confusion built as he thought about it, until he opened his mouth to ask.

Though he didn’t get a chance to as they got to the real part of the journey.

His mouth still didn’t close.

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