Chapter 5: Frosttreader

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I was startled awake by the beeping sounds of a clock right next to the bed I was in. I sat up in bed, looking around. A Frame stood at the end of the room, near the door, his back turned. I decided it would be best if he didn’t know I was awake. I turned to my right, and there was Allie. I swear I could feel my heart almost stop at the surprise. I fell out of the bed, a thousand thoughts running through my head, though one predominant over all. Why would anyone stay with me? I thought. I could tell that my self pity was really coming through at this moment, because my next thought was in fact the wonder if she pitied me for passing out. Well, I think she likes you, Ven said to me, entering my thoughts. Ven! Not okay! I told him. Not that anyone could hear our conversation, but I still felt the need to yell at him. “Are you okay?” I was snapped back to what was happening right in front of me, and noticed I actually fell into Allie’s arms, to my embarrassment. She was smiling down at me, my face turning visibly redder with every second. “Falling out of medbay beds is not good for your health.” Someone joked. I looked over to the best of my ability to the Frame, who was now standing at the foot of the bed, staring at me. “I’m Monty. Will you please sit up on your bed so we can discuss what happened? Not that I wouldn’t love to talk to you while you’re half laying on the floor.” I got up, embarrassed once more, and sat on the edge of the bed. “Now, if you want to know what happened, I can tell you, but I would like for the Vanguard to inform you.” Monty said, switching almost to a more serious voice, though keeping his humor. “I haven’t heard of that much power output since…” I was now curious. “Since who?” I asked, trying to keep him from trailing off. “It’s nothing, Guardian.” His voice, though robotic, seemed pained. I looked at Allie, who looked down, a worrisome expression on her face. Touchy subject.

    “So, when can I get out of here?” I inquired, trying to change the subject. It seemed to work. “Tomorrow, most likely,” Monty replied. “However, you need to rest. Your Light needs time to replenish. You’re lucky you’re not dead.” I acknowledged this and lay down. “I’ll stay with you,” Allie said, gripping my hand. “You really don’t have to,” She gripped my hand tighter. “I know.” “Did I really make that much of an impression, Ven?” I asked him inside my head. “Told you she likes you. Also, you did kind of kill six people just because she died once.” Ven noted. “Guess that’s true,” I agreed. With that, I drifted to sleep, thankful for peace, even if it was for just once.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        Suddenly the only thing I could see was a tunnel. Right through a portal. Everything around it was dark. On the inside of it looked to be a wrecked highway. The tunnel seemed to never end. Small lights illuminated parts of it, making it look like some kind of haunted attraction. Blackened cars lined it, some bending the railing of the road sizably. I couldn’t move, couldn’t see beyond what was in front of me. Gave me the feeling that something was there, something that I should see, but it kept me hungry for the knowledge. A faint white light, no, a collection of them, was visible at the end of the road, sitting right before another steel tunnel to the unknown. After I saw this, the portal closed and I was left with nothing but myself and the pitch black that encompassed me. A single voice broke through the darkness. “You are not at the extent of your powers,” it told me. “Come to me, and everything will be known to you.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        Suddenly I was awake, though I felt paralyzed, unable to move. I moved my head over to see Allie asleep. I was so tired I just wanted to fall back asleep, but I knew I couldn’t. I slipped my hand out of hers and sat up in bed. Monty turned his head, now again at the front of the room, to me. I put a finger over my lips and he nodded. I quietly got out of bed, noticing my armor was still on, not having been removed, and walked to and stepped out the door. As soon as I was, Ven appeared again. “Are you not even going to question what you just dreamt about?” He asked me. “You saw that too?” I said. “Yes. I am in a direct connection with your mind. So I can see your dreams. I’ve already told you this, you don’t need to be told again.” I sighed. “Yes. I am questioning what I saw right now. Was that place real?”

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