Chapter 4

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It's 9 in the morning camp is already bustling about but no Clarke. I want to see her after last night. It felt strange and I want to see if it was the night or if it really was us. I've gotten a little worried and absentmindedly found myself outside her door.

Right as I bring my fist up to knock I hear a heavy panting. And soft yelps. My mind goes straight to Roan. Clarke might trust him but I don't. And if what is going on behind that door is true then... then.... there's nothing I can do. Clarke is a woman. Her own person. 'Not like that' my ass.

I slowly step away trying to block out the noises until I can't block out a heavy scream. I stay frozen until more follow. All my previous thoughts disappear and I burst into the room.

"Clarke!" I see Roan on the floor jump up probably just now waking up, and Clarke rolling around sweating in her sheets. I rush over to her past Roan. "Clarke? Clarke wake up. It's just a dream wake up!" Taking her shoulders in my hand I gently shake her.

"Bellamy?! Bellamy?! Bellamy?" Her crystal eyes flutter open to reveal red puffy eyes. "I was just- just um-"

"It was another nightmare. She gets them a lot." Roan but's in coming to my side.

"Oh no. Did I wake you again?" Clarke mumbles half asleep and dazed.

"No after awhile you learn to sleep through them." He smiles. I just give him a dirty look. "She gets them almost every night it's not new."

"You just let them happen?" I snap.

"Bellamy it's fine they're normal.... wait what are you doing here?" She sits up.

"I- I wanted to talk to you about- how would you get used to her screaming like this?"

"There aren't separate rooms in the forest sky boy." Roan snaps back.

"Talk to me about what Bellamy?" Clarke changes the subject quickly.

"Things have changed at camp. I wanted to fill you in." I mumble feeling a little stupid.

"Okay." She says shakily. "I should probably go see what's going on at med bay. See if I can help. Talk on the way?" She finished pulling on her boots.

"You don't have to see your mom if you don't want to. You know that." I say helping her off the bed.

"I have to face her sometime." She sighs grabbing her pack and heading towards the door.

"Wait. Meet me at the river during your lunch break. You look filthy." I smile.

"Oh good I could use a bath." Roan grunts while passing me on his way to the door too.

"We'll see you then." Clarke smiles back opening the door for her and Roan. I watch as he follows her down the hallway to med bay.

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