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"I'm so in love with her."

"You don't even know what you're walking into, Y/N."

"Do you understand how much I want this? Even if it's not even real?"

"Don't hurt yourself."

I sighed. I'm so exhausted, tired, and done with all this. My best friend, Lisa, was telling me about how walking into this was a bad idea.

"Y/N you know that i'll always support you," Lisa sat down next to me, "-but as much as I want to support you in this, you and me both know that you're so in love with her, that it's going to break you so bad in the end." She mumbled.

I looked down, knowing what she was saying was all true. Oh, you're probably wondering what Lisa and me are discussing, well it's complicated. I fell in love with girl named Billie. Billie Eilish. A beautiful with dangerous blue eyes, capable of drowning anybody who looked into them. A beautiful girl with the most gorgeous silver hair, and face that could break anyone.

Now that you know who the love of my life is, i'm going to tell you about what me and Lisa were talking about. You see, Billie and me had grown close over the past 6 months, and i'll explain how that happened soon enough, but anyways she had just came to me with a proposition. She said that she was stressed enough because of the press and social media scandals, and also the fact that her parents wanted her to date someone already. So, she asked me to be a'distraction.'

"A distraction?" I asked.

"Yeah, like a publicity stunt? You know that type of shit right?" She asked, smiling softly.

"Billie, you can be for real right now. Are you seriously asking me to be your fake girlfriend for who knows how long so the press will stop with your dating rumors and scandals?" I asked, shocked.

"Well, when you put it that way, it sounds shitty dude, but yeah. That is kinda what i'm-"

"Are you even listening to yourself right now, Bil?" I cut her off.

"Yo, Y/N. I know this sounds fucking crazy, but seriously, it would gain you something and me something too. Like a win-win kind of situation, you know?" She said, softly.

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. Those ocean eyes that make my heart melt every single time I look into them.

"Listen, Billie. I'll think about it, okay?" I said, taking another deep breath.

"Yeah, do that. I'll text you later okay?" She said, looking me in the eyes.

"O-oh, yeah. Sounds good." I said, feeling pink starting to tint my cheeks as she walked off and got into her car with her friends.

I sighed. That's what happened earlier, though. So now we're back where we left off, with Lisa.

"Lisa listen, if I do this then yeah, maybe i'll get hurt but it's kind of worth it. I love her honestly-"

"Are you hearing yourself, Y/N? Seriously! This is one of the stupidest things you could do." She cut me off, yelling at me.

"Lisa! Why are you upset about this?" I asked, and she sighed.

"Y/N, you mean the world to me. You're my best friend and I love you. As your best friend it's kind of my job to make sure that you don't get hurt, and this will hurt you. What if you fall in love with her even more and shit happens and you guys aren't even friends anymore?" Lisa asked.

I looked at her, she was right. She's always right and always has been. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry, Liz. I know you're right, but I just can't say no and my head is telling me no, but my heart is telling me something else." I said, tears in my eyes.

"Well, what is your heart telling you, Y/N?" She asked, concern was written all over her face.

"My heart is telling me that I love her, and that she's the one for me. I don't even know if she's into girls, but i'm still in love with her and that doesn't change, no matter what she does. I cant even understand myself, Lisa." I said, tears falling.

"Oh, Y/N..." Lisa said, "It's okay, I mean I know i'm right," She joked, "but if that's what your heart is really telling you, then go for it I guess." She said, laughing a little at the end.

I smiled, knowing this wasn't right, but it gave me hope knowing I could be with the girl that I really loved and grabbed my phone.

"I think i'm gonna go to bed now, Liz." I said.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you." She said, smiling.

"Goodnight! I love you too." I smiled back, and went upstairs.

I stared down at my phone screen. 'Should i really do this?' I asked myself. 'Honestly, fuck it.' I thought as I opened my texts to Billie.

Hey, i thought about it.
Delivered, 12:27 AM.

You did?
Received, 12:28 AM.

Yeah, I really did. Like
I honestly can't even
begin to tell how much
that really did stress me out
bil, lol.
Delivered, 12:28 AM.

wait really y/n? dude
i am so so so sorry, lmaoo.
Received, 12:30 AM.

no worries bil, lol.
Delivered, 12:32 AM.

do you wanna be
a distraction, Y/N?
Received, 12:37 AM.

Delivered, 12:38 AM.

bil 💖 is typing...

Read, 12:39 AM.

I sighed and shut my phone off, already starting to regret my stupid decision. 'Was this really worth the pain and the love..?' I thought, staring up at the ceiling. Looking over I checked my clock, 1:22 AM, it read. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, and softly sighing.

I didn't realize that when I sent that text, I was about to change everything between Billie and I. I didn't realize that maybe I would be the one losing feelings, and Billie might've been the one gaining them, not me.

HELLO! My first chapter of "distraction" is finally done and finished! What do you guys think? Leave some comments below and don't forget to vote! Love you babes :)

distraction; billie eilish x reader! | COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now