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A/N This was partially inspired by Skater Boy by BigBoyCikada. Enjoy.

My motorcycle rumbled as I stopped at a dropping train barrier. The sun was beating down on my leather covered back like kids on concrete, and I would be damned if I didn't take this chance to stop and rest.

I glanced down the tracks and watched as the train seemed to extend for a few miles. It was quite large so I probably had a few minutes to sunbathe to the best of my ability.

I popped the stand on my Harley and steadied myself once more, reaching up and pulling my helmet over my head in the process. I shook my head like a dog and grimaced as my sweat-soaked hair thumped against my forehead. At least the breeze felt nice.

I began to look at my surroundings, I was new in town so I might as well familiarize myself as much as I can.

Alvarado, Texas.

It was an interesting little town. It had a quadruple-A highschool, a decent reputation, an odd attraction of skaters that swarmed the town on any given day, rain or shine, and cute little antique shops that I could definitely spend hours searching through. It seemed nice and homegrown. Down to earth.

Just over to my right I could hear yelling (somehow) over the rumbling of the train. It was a small, fenced-in skate park with large and small ramps alike, it even had one of those in-the-ground ramp things, whatever the hell they're called.

A quite handsome blonde boy had probably landed some cool trick, seeing as he was surrounded by yelling teens and adults, high-fiving and playfully punching him in the shoulders, even ruffling his hair, which rewarded them with swats to the wrist as he tried to protect his hair. 

His grin was face splitting and his teeth were so white that if I was closer I think I might've been blinded. He was covered head to toe with tattoos that spiraled around his limbs and even had a few face ones, which he pulled off if I do say so myself.

I ran a hand through my messy hair as I watched the scene before me. 

They seemed like a family. Even from this distance, you could feel the happiness and excitement that radiated off of every single one of their beings. They hooted and hollered and jumped around, making fools of themselves but having too much fun to care. 

Just seeing them so joyous brought a smile to my face. I was proud of this stranger even though I hadn't seen his impressive moves. 

Maybe if I ran into him in public I'd offer him a coffee and a chat. He seemed interesting from afar, but I wanted to get up close and personal, and I couldn't deny it, that boy was a perfect 10. He looked like he was sweet once you got to know him.

As if he could sense me staring, he glanced up and over to my halted form, his blond locks flopping back on his head. His eyes widened for a second before he raised a hand and timidly waved. Shy, cute, and a skater? What more could I ask for? 

I smirked back and waved back confidently, catching the attention of his buddies, who started to pick at him even more. They pushed him around a little bit and hollered even louder.

 Even form this distance I could see his bright red cheeks. 

One of his friends whispered something in his ear and his face lit up, he nodded and then set off for the pile of backpacks near the fence. He dug around for a second before pulling out a baby blue Jansport, then pulled out a notebook and pen from the same backpack.

He doodled on the paper for a second before ripping the page out and folding it up and putting everything else away. Then he stood he looked back at me to see if I was still paying attention. When he saw that I was, he grinned and ran over to the fence, climbing over it and jogging my way.

He didn't say anything when he got to me, he just held out the piece of paper for me to take then ran back to the gate.

I didn't even manage to squeeze in a "Thank you" so I just opened the note and read it over.

I don't know if you're gay, but I think you're pretty cute so here's my number :)

XXX-XXX-XXXX Call me whenever

- Scott

I quickly pulled out my phone and punched in his number, folding the sheet of paper and tucking into my jacket. I looked up and met his expectant gaze, winking before putting my helmet back on and checking the train again.

It was getting pretty close so I quickly saved they blonds number and sent him a text.

to: Skater Boy

hey  cutie

After I sent the text I put my phone inside my jacket with the paper and kicked up the stand. Hopefully, he would text back before I got home. I really wanted that coffee date.


I've been listening to deep house a lot here lately and it's been putting me in this Mood and tbh I don't hate it all too much :/ Also I have a one-shot on RyanKuroRodriguez' s book so go check that out.

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