XIX. Man of Reasons

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Hey guys! I wanna say sorry for the looooong delay that kept all of you waiting :( my laptop decided to never open again (since last month!) so now I'm left with no choice but to update through mobile. I hope I can continue writing again. This time with faster updates and no more problems!

Enough with the blabbing! This is chapter 19 (and 20) served in a silver platter. Enjoy :D


XIX. Man of Reasons

(Third person's POV, a sneak peek of what's always happening in Alison's home and why she had to move at Jake's)

"Mom! Dad! Just stop fighting, please! Don't you ever get tired of this? Ever since Austin and I were born, you never stopped fighting!" Alison cried as almost all of their ceramics were broken from the unnecessary throwing by her mom.

"You stay out of this, young lady!" Andrea spat back.

"Why should I? You never solved this, both of you! It's always, 'it's your fault!' and 'no! It's YOUR fault!' You do not talk about the problem but choose to blame each other instead. Heck, no one in this house even knows what the fundamental problem is!"

"Who are you to talk like that to us?" Scott interjected.

"I am just a daughter who happens to be so concerned about the betterment of this family." Alison said as she  turned around and rushed to her room. She was sobbing and the pain she felt for her family that's falling apart was overwhelming.

Alison thought that she couldn't stand this anymore. She reached for her little suitcase underneath her bed, opened her closet, and started packing her things. Tears flushing her face and blurring her vision while doing this, she was surprised that it took her a little time packing. Another reason might be was because she had some stuffs already at Jake's apartment. She brought the big white teddy bear that Jake gave her last Valentine's also.

"If you can't fix this, then there's no point in staying here, hoping and praying that this family would even get better."  Alison spoke as she walked past her parents in the living room and headed to the door without even properly saying goodbye.

The ring of the doorbell made Jake jump from his seat. He was playing video games in the living room, trying to tire himself since he can't sleep. Creasing his brows and wondering who, in the middle of the night, would the person be outside. He opened the door and was shocked to see Alison carrying a suitcase and the teddy bear he gave her.

Alison was holding back her cries while she waited for Jake to speak. It was as if she was holding her breath also.

"Alison, what happened?" Jake asked. Alison relinquished and ran into Jake's arms, crying, pained about why her parents can't fix their marriage.

And with that, Alison started living in Jake's apartment already while she worked to find an apartment of her own and continued studying.

Alison visited her parents' house sometimes and she wondered why they haven't filed for a divorce yet. Maybe they're still trying to sort things out. Maybe there's still hope. But she neither stayed long nor slept through the night in the Swift's house. She could be there to have lunch or dinner with them but she found solace in Jake's little and all-too-familiar apartment. She chose to stay at Jake's so she never had to fear that she's gonna wake up with screaming and crying because she knew that it was sunshine that will greet her the next day.

* * *

(Back to Jake's POV)

December had arrived and it meant Christmas is fast approaching. But so is Jane's birthday. The Walters left Tennessee a few days after Thanksgiving already and everything's back on its usual routine. My parents were back from the business summit and as what my mom promised, they literally brought home a pot of gold. They managed to engage with a few investors and this kept me busy.

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