VIII. It's Like The First Time

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VIII. It’s Like The First Time

(Jake’s POV)

I broke our hug when she calmed down as I cupped her face with my hands and asked, “are you okay, Jane?” and looked deep into her flushed eyes. Wow. I was such a dumb for asking that but I don’t know what to say!

She looked down as another set of tears escaped from her eyes but she still smiled, “I think I am. Thank you, Jake.”

“Oh, God.” I said as I hugged her again. “I wish you would never have to hear that. Your boyfriend is a douchebag.”

She giggled. “I knew he was trouble. Shame on me now, right?”

“Never get back together with that guy, am I clear?”

She inhaled deeply and exhaled abruptly. “Yes, sir!” 

“I should drive you back to your house, then.”

“Thanks.” Jane replied.

As Jane pointed out thedirections to me, I found out that she does not live anywhere close to the pharmacy where she works at. Instead, she inhabits in a cozy, little apartment, with runners (as Alison call those plants or vines) embracing the brick walls.

We arrived there at 2 AM since we stopped by a convenience store to get some snacks. It was a fun ride with Jane, being such an eloquent lady, a woman of essence, as they say. We talked about a lot of things like our experiences at school when we were young, mostly things to be laughed about. I refused to go further, as in, asking what more lies behind her past. I refused to search deeper, fearing I might scare her. She even might think I could be an FBI agent or whatever.

I asked why does she work as a cashier in a pharmacy and she said that she wants to earn to continue studying for college. She badly wanted to attend a med school. For Alison’s caring nature, it is not a shock that she would love to attend a med school since she loved taking care of people.

“Your apartment is really nice and beautiful.” I said as I examined the façade.

“My aunt lets me stay here because they moved to a different place already.” She said.

“Your aunt is very kind, huh.” I replied.

“Jake,” she turned to me before she opened her apartment’s door, “I know I’ve said this a million times or so this night but,” she reached for my shoulders and gave a peck on my cheek. “Thank you so much.” She smiled.

I blinked multiple times as my mouth gaped open, almost like in a total shock of what happened. She kissed me! She kissed me! It was just on the cheek but who cares?

“Jake, say something!” she exclaimed. “Did my gesture offend you?”

“Oh my God, Jane. No. No, of course,” I stuttered as I woke from my reverie. 

“I, uhm,” I cleared my throat. “Uhm. No problem!” I nodded and smiled. “Well, I better be going. Have a safe and sound night.” I added.

“Good night, Jake.” She said as she turned to her door and opened it. She waved good-bye before closing it and I headed to my car light-headedly.

“Wow!” I exclaimed in my car as soon as I shut the door. I shook my head as I added, “I have already forgotten that a kiss was that romantic!”

I drove home with a big grin in my face, feeling like it’s never escaping there. I even believe that I am blushing! “Whoo!” I exhaled sharply as I took in what happened earlier. Jane kissed me on the cheek. It meant that she trusts me, isn’t it? She likes me? She is not disgusted of me despite the encounter we had in the pharmacy yesterday morning?

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