VII. Country Bar

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VII. Country Bar

(Jake’s POV)

Perfection takes in human form through that woman.

I smiled at the sight of my girl. I can’t even take my eyes off of her! Ugh, this woman really does things to me. I, then, frowned when I saw this pale, sickly thin man again. He had his arm circled all through Jane’s waist. I had to gather all the strength in the world to restrain myself from throwing myself at this man with my knuckles covered with metal chains. Just a little more time, Lautner, and it will be me who’s going to be at Alison’s side, I motivated myself.

“I’ll have to approach her or else nothing will happen,” I encouraged myself. “Be a man, Lautner. Ugh.”

I took in a few breaths before deciding to approach Jane when I saw her boyfriend went out of the bar to have a cigarette break. I, then, walked towards the area where she’s at. God, her lustre never faded all these years and it never failed to blind me. It doesn’t matter anyway, being blinded with the perfection in front of me.

I cleared my throat.

“Hi.” I nervously said. I hate this. It’s like meeting her for the first time all over again!

“Hey. I know you! You’re the guy who bought meds earlier, right?” She beamed.

“Oh, yes, I am,” I nodded while smiling.

“Are you fine by now? You still look ill.”

“Nope. I think I’m feeling great,” and because I am talking to you already. I added, trying hard not to speak of it since I, sure, would appear creepy!

“Well, that’s great!” She clapped.

“Oh, by the way, I’m sorry I didn’t have the chance to introduce myself to you properly. I am Jake Lautner.” I offered my hand.

She took it and said, “well, hi Jake! I am Jane. Jane Walters.”

I let go of our hands before she can have a chance to freak out or feel awkward. Jane ordered a drink which gave me some time to ponder about this “first meeting”.

Her hand is still very soft and smooth. She still had this bright smile on her face. She can still dissolve the whole place, making her my only focus even if the place is in chaos. Or whatever. But how come she does not possess an aura that she went through an accident four years ago? She looked really fine. Like she went through almost nothing. Like she was totally healed. Or she was never broken.

And how can she have her name changed?

I am missing something very vital here. I have to know what happened to her in the last four years. I have to dig in whatever happened to her in the past. And with her presence here again, I’ll never let go of her. If I won’t be suspected as a stalker, I won’t let her out of my sight either! The issue with her boyfriend can be dealt later on but now, I think I just have to work on winning her trust.

“Did you know that I fear abandonment?” Jane suddenly cut in, bringing me back to reality.

“Hey, Jake. What’s that deep thought you’re in to? C’mon, let me in on that!” she said when I didn’t respond immediately.

“Aw, no,” I shook off my hand in front of my face, looking like I am brushing away the thoughts that swam before my eyes. “Just business matters,” I added.

“Business matters? Ha!” She laughed, as if I said something really hilarious.

“What’s funny?” I asked.

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