- nine.

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corbyn pulled away from jack, his soft teal orbs understanding. jack was fragile, why would he want to make out right now? guilt swamped corbyn's heart, he felt like he forced jack into doing something he didn't want to, but jack was just battling his inner demons.

"let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" corbyn said, a broken smile etched onto his face. jack nodded, a blush forming as he realized how close they were. jack scrambled off of corbyn, corbyn standing up.

don't get hung up on kissing him. you're only a worthless fuck to him and nicolas. all they see you as is a sex toy.

no, i'm not. corbyn loves me, he cares for me.

jack's bottom lip trembled, why was he acting like this? why was he being overdramatic? he needed to get over it. jack kept quiet as corbyn cleaned him up, water cleaning his wounds and a bandage covering them. "jack please, for the last time, stop hurting yourself," corbyn mumbled, pressing his lips to jack's forehead.

"okay, i promise," jack half-heartedly said, drowsiness overcoming him as he laid there on the cold tile floor. corbyn sighed as he set his eyes on jack. "jack, stay awake for a little longer. we need to change your clothes," jack nodded, the voice in his head quiet for once, relief flooding his senses.

jack removed his shirt, standing up only to be hit with a wave of nausea. corbyn caught the swaying boy, holding him tight in his arms. "tomorrow, you're gonna eat, okay?" corbyn whispered. jack tiredly nodded as corbyn handed him his clean shirt, tugging it over his head.

looks like when tour is over you're gonna loose all that fat.

at least i'll get to eat.

isn't that why you're fat?

- 311 words.
- edited.

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